When Death Is Your Year Card

When Death is your year card, be prepared for some massive transformation.

I’ve written about Death in the Tarot many times before, and I have always tried to balance the love n light positive with the inherent uncomfortable aspect of this card.

Now I’m in a position, where I am actually living through a year, in which Death is my annual growth symbol.

The year isn’t over yet, so anything can still happen, and I am prepared for whatever crazy and mind-boggling stuff is hurling my way.

But so far, 2022 has already been quite a rollercoaster ride of flux and change.

The pandemic has a lot to answer for. It was the harbinger of my year of Death transformation.

And with the war in Ukraine, I realised that the world as we knew it pre-pandemic, has changed forever.

With the old and established order slowly but surely desintigrating, millions of people are affected by a new sense of insecurity.

There is a lot of evaluation going on in terms of living your best life and making the most of life and the time you have left.

Hence the Great Resignation and massive shift in the way people demand new ways of working, including remote working and the introduction of the 4-day week.

So while the old order is dying, something new is emerging.

On a personal level, I came to a point in February, when I realised that I had been running my tarot biz for more than a decade.

I had noticed for a while that I needed to take a break from it, simply to recharge my batteries, so I could gather new ideas and inspiration.

I decided to put my Patreon on hold, so I no longer needed to post new content every month.

While I never had a break from creating lots of content, the last three months of my Patreon journey started to put pressure on my creative flow.

So I put Patreon on hold.

One of the reasons why I haven’t resumed is that I had the urge to return to the commercial world after twenty years of absence.

I am currently working from home for a large retailer serving customers in Europe. God bless the internet, online shopping and the digital nomad revolution.

My current role however is a contract limited until the end of January 2023, but in the meantime, I am already working on transforming my online presence on this website and elsewhere.

You see, while Tarot has been a massive passion of mine for so many years, it has also nudged me into exploring new possibilities.

In recent months, I have virtually abandoned all social media and only post occasionally on Instagram.

I let go of all the toxic social media and the damage it has caused and will cause in time to come.

I’m at a stage in my life, where I no longer need to earn a living from Tarot. I want to continue creating content at my leasure for fun.

That’s why I have also put on hold all personal courses and mentoring, but my self-study courses and ebooks are still available.

If you need help with any of these, please don’t hesitate to leave a question in the comment box on the product page or send me a message.

But wait, there is more… 🙂

A couple of weeks ago, there was a serious health scare in the family.

When a loved one is taken to hospital with a potential life-threatening illness, it’s hard to keep focused and cool.

Thankfully, the suspected heart attack has turned out to be “just” an inflammation of the heart, which was caused by Covid, and with the current medication has the chance to be healed.

It’s still serious, and it has again made me think about life, what is important to me and what I want to do.

As you can see, I am in transition on a road to somewhere.

The metamorphosis is in progress. It feels uncomfortable, but at the same time there are rays of light and illumination.

When Death is your year card, be prepared for anything.

But watch this space. Endings bring new beginnings.

“You have to die a few times before you can really live.” – Charles Bukowski

Warmest wishes,


PS: You can still sign up to my Patreon to download all the goodies I’ve posted there. You will only be charged once.

Tarot Astrology: Pluto in the Tarot

pluto in the tarotPluto is one of the three modern planets discovered in 1930, and it was later added to the Tarot as the ruling planet for Judgement.

Together with Mars, it is one of Scorpio’s ruling planets, so in the Tarot it is also linked to Death, the zodiac card for Scorpio.

Pluto in the Tarot is not associated with any Minor Arcana cards, which have all been assigned to the traditional seven planets.

While all planets represent gods, Pluto is the God of the Underworld, so it makes sense that it is now linked to Scorpio and Death.

The energy of Pluto is that of transformation, regeneration, letting go as well as the unconscious.

It is associated with sexuality, physical and spiritual birth, with death and resurrection.

Pluto nudges us to confront our – and nature’s – darker, more instinctive side.

Pluto energy offers us psychological insight and the ability to heal and regenerate.

On the other hand, it can generate obsessive compulsive tendencies.

So what does this all mean for Judgement and Death in the Tarot?

“I was dreamin’ when I wrote this, forgive me if it goes astray
But when I woke up this mornin’, could’ve sworn it was judgment day
The sky was all purple, there were people runnin’ everywhere
Tryin’ to run from the destruction, you know I didn’t even care…”
– Prince, 1999

Pluto’s influence on Judgement suggests the ability and necessity to let go of old patterns and baggage in order to move on.

After all, a change of direction is an ending, just like putting closure on a situation by having learned a lesson or practicing forgiveness.

Pluto’s influence on Death suggests the need for detachment, a rite of passage, an emotionally painful transition, resurrection.

Both cards remind me of the rise of the Phoenix from the ashes, endings and new beginnings, but while Judgement’s ending feels more upbeat and the rise is imminent, Death’s ending is lingering and comes together with Scorpio’s sting in its tail – ouch.

If both cards were present in a reading, it can suggest the transformative nature of Pluto intensified and a sense of upheaval, life being turned upside down as a result of external events or decisions being made.

If you would like to learn more about how to combine tarot with astrology, check out my course.

Warmest wishes,


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The Raw and Scary Meaning of Death in the Tarot

the real meaning of death prisma visions tarot
Prisma Visions Tarot

It’s Scorpio season, a time of letting go, endings and transformation.

Scorpio is linked to Death in the Tarot, so it’s the perfect time to talk about the raw and scary aspects of this card nobody wants to raise when it pops up in a reading.

There is no beating around the bush: Death isn’t the happiest card in the Tarot.

It ain’t pretty (unless you are a tree in autumn shedding your leaves), it ain’t fun.

Even the cheerful motto Out with the old, in with the new often covers up melancholy moments of letting something go that holds bittersweet memories.

Scorpio’s sting hurts, even if it’s just a tiny bit.

And while Death may well symbolise the transformation of the caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly, for us humans the process is more complex, at best uncomfortable and at worst very painful and crushing.

There is no point in denying the true meaning of Death, which in essence is about irreversible endings.

It’s the finality of Death that can be so painful and hard to accept.

There is no point in denying the ugly side of Death, full stop. Popular tarot blogs and new age happy clappers want to make us believe that Death is a wonderful thing.

That it’s about fabulous change and new beginnings, which sounds great but somehow sanitises its actual meaning.

It’s time to acknowledge this card for what it really stands for:

An ending you – or your client – don’t want and didn’t ask for.

And yes, it can sometimes even mean physical death. It was my father’s year card in his final year of life.

That doesn’t mean you should tell your client that they or one of their loved ones is about to die. No, please don’t.

Instead, when this card comes up in a reading, ask yourself (or your client) what this card means to you (them) at this moment in time.

Death is a taboo subject in our society and often brushed under the carpet. Anything to do with it including fear of death, grieving, and preparing for it when seriously ill.

Because we are living longer, we tend to take the time we have for granted. Death in a reading can remind us that we don’t have all the time in the world.

Death reminds us not to delay turning our dreams into reality, because one day it will be too late.

Death in a reading can act as a reminder of our mortality. Together with Justice, it may be a good idea to make a will and get your affairs in order (including life insurance) to prepare for the inevitable.

To many, this sounds macabre, but what you would really be doing is taking care of your loved ones in case something happens to you.

It can suggest any of the five stages of grieving – denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance – you or your client may be experiencing. It’s time to tackle those emotions.

Death says: “What are you wasting your time on? Life is too short.”

Death is a process, and sometimes we don’t realise we’ve been through it until we look back and realise that the last couple of years or so have been tough and transformed us into the person we are today.

And we are still alive – that’s the good news! Let’s make the most of it.

Warmest wishes,


PS: Learn more about how to use the cards for self-exploration and healing in my Discovery Tarot Course.

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Death in the Tarot of Quotes

Death Tarot of QuotesJust in time for Halloween, here’s my latest creation:

Death in the Tarot of Quotes.

This card has already made an appearance in September, when I was blogging about the Power of Transformation, but today is its official introduction.

Death is one of the most feared and misunderstood cards in the Tarot, so I thought that a dramatic image of a skeleton trying to escape from its grave would give that reputation justice 🙂

But of course when this card comes up in a reading, it very rarely indicates physical death.

The skeleton and the Autumn leaves symbolise the shedding of old to allow for new growth in Spring.

Death is all about transformation, endings, conclusions, change.

Astrologically, Death is linked to Scorpio, the zodiac sign of transformation.

At Halloween, Scorpio is the ruling sun sign.

We are celebrating endings, but new beginnings follow swiftly: on the 1st November it’s the beginning of the Celtic new year and start of winter according to the Celtic tradition.

Transformation is happening gradually.

Endings, change and ultimately transformation are no easy processes to go through.

At times there is discomfort, emotional upheaval and pain along the way. But the message of this card is that something new will emerge that is taking us into a new direction.

Death in a reading may remind us of our own mortality and therefore asks us to live more consciously.

It also advises us to embrace change as a means for growth, even if it hurts at times.

For your Halloween contemplation, you can explore what this card means to you right now in your life:

  • What do you need to let go of that no longer serves you?
  • Who or what have you lost recently you need to come to terms with?
  • How can you best adapt to changes that you are facing? These changes can be external but also physically and emotionally.
  • How can you transform anguish, loss and grief into a new sense of purpose and understanding?

Halloween is also a good time to get in touch with your dark side. Find out more in my article Meet Your Shadow.

Whatever way you spend Halloween – spooky fun or quiet reflection – have a good one!


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