Creative Autumn Journaling with the Tarot

Creative Autumn Journaling with the Tarot

Autumn is my favourite season, which probably explains why I’ve been writing about it so often, combining creative autumn journaling with the Tarot.

Now that Autumn is approaching yet again, I thought I’d share with you a compilation of my best bits, which are dotted around on this website.

If you would like to immerse yourself into some serious autumn journaling, then check out the following links:

? Autumn Equinox – Embracing the Dark Season

Autumnal musings with a 3-card tarot spread

? Creative Journaling in Autumn

Lots of ideas and a printable freebie

? 22 Equinox Journaling Prompts to Balance your Life

My popular Equinox divination tarot game, which you can use not just in autumn but also in spring

? The Autumn Divination Kit

I’m so proud of this magical kit. Loads of autumn journaling activities and printables including an oracle deck and healing cards. Don’t miss the 20% discount I offer on Patreon

? Finding Direction in your Life with the Tarot

Autumn is Hermit season…insightful spreads to help you choose your path ahead

Enjoy your Autumn explorations ⭐

Warmest wishes,


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Trick Or Treat Tarot Spread

trick or treat tarot spreadIt’s that spooky time of the year again to have some fun with your tarot deck, so here’s my Trick or Treat Tarot Spread ?

Some prompts for each position:


Deception – it’s not what it seems – something hidden – a tiny detail you have overlooked – too good to be true – self-sabotage – shadow – limiting belief – beware of this – obstacle – something sinister – the small print


Indulgence – self-care – achievement – gift – clarity – talent – illumination – what is supporting you – opportunity – abundance – celebrate – appreciate – enjoy – breakthrough – lucky break – blessing

Draw a card for each position placing cards face down. Choose one of them – trick or treat?

It can always be tempting to choose TREAT, but sometimes you may want to face some tricky demons to resolve an issue, and the TREAT may not be favourable in the long-term or such a great idea.

Nothing is ever black or white / good or bad. It’s your choice?

You can also choose both positions as a two-card snapshot spread.

⭐For more seasonal  tarot goodness, check out my 30-day autumn divination challenge on Patreon, and grab my latest workbook, the Autumn Divination Kit

Warmest wishes,



22 Equinox Journaling Prompts To Balance Your Life

22 journaling prompts to balance in your life
The Cosmic Faery Tarot

The upcoming Equinox marks the day when daylight and night-time are equal in length.

It also coincides with the sun entering Libra, and in the Tarot this zodiac sign is linked to Justice.

So, whether you are celebrating the Spring or Autumn Equinox, the common theme is Balance.

Hence the following equinox journaling prompts are universal rather than specific to geographical location.

The prompts are designed to explore opposing energies in our lives and find ways to align them, to adjust and integrate.

Creating balance in your life is an ongoing process, and with this collection of seasonal prompts you can do some serious but also fun and fascinating soul work over the coming weeks.

Each prompt consists of two positions. Draw a card for each, and if you like you can also draw a third card to explore how to align the opposing energies.

22 journaling prompts to balance your life:

  1. Withdraw from… / Connect with…
  2. My heart / My mind
  3. I learn / I teach
  4. Denial / Acceptance
  5. I am free to… / I am responsible for…
  6. I am confused about… / This will give me clarity:
  7. Imagination / Reality
  8. Knowledge / Wisdom
  9. My struggle: / My power:
  10. I trust: / I doubt:
  11. My plan: / My action:
  12. I fear: / I embrace:
  13. Habit / Change
  14. Stop… / Start…
  15. Renew: / Discard:
  16. Slow down / Accelerate
  17. Fly high / Lie low
  18. My pain: / My pleasure:
  19. This is ending: / This is beginning:
  20. Conflict / Peace
  21. I resist: / I surrender
  22. I choose: / I receive:

Play the Equinox Divination Game

Just like the Solstice Divination Game, playing with these journal prompts doesn’t have to be limited to the time of the Equinox.

Play whenever you feel you need to create balance in your life.

Printable cards and instructions are available on my Patreon space, the Cosmic Spirit Sanctuary.

If you love a more creative and structured approach to working with the Tarot, consider becoming a member.

Learn more here.

equinox journaling prompts balance
Lots of printable goodies available on Patreon…








19 Solstice Journaling Prompts To Light You Up

solstice journaling prompts
Watch my YouTube video

The solstice is just around the corner, and regardless of where you live in the world, this time of year marks a turning point.

Whether you are celebrating the Summer or Winter Solstice, the common theme is Light.

While in the Northern Hemisphere the light peaks, in the Southern Hemisphere it returns, so the following solstice journaling prompts are universal rather than specific to geographical location.

When the light appears or peaks in our life, there is always a sense of joy connected with it.

It’s time to celebrate, have a laugh and enjoy the moment.

So, have some fun and get lit with this light-hearted collection of seasonal prompts:

  1. A highlight to celebrate
  2. What needs illuminating
  3. What am I visualising
  4. What do I need to be more optimistic about:
  5. What am I attracting:
  6. What am I inspired to do:
  7. How can I be a beacon of light to others?
  8. Where to focus my energy:
  9. What do I need to be more mindful about:
  10. A self-care practice that would benefit me at this time:
  11. A new direction:
  12. What delights me:
  13. What lights me up:
  14. A moment of enlightenment:
  15. A fun revelation:
  16. Happiness is…
  17. A creative talent that needs nurturing:
  18. What needs invigorating:
  19. How I currently express myself
Let’s play the Solstice Divination Game

Here’s a fun and insightful way to turn the journaling prompts into a divination game.

Play on your own or with friends.

Write each journaling prompt on a piece of card, shuffle and draw up to four cards to create a spread.

You can also just draw one card for daily guidance over the coming weeks.

Or you can play with others by letting them draw a journaling prompt and tarot card for a mini reading.

*** This game isn’t just for the Solstice – play it throughout summer or when you feel like you want to get lit 🙂 ***

You can also download my Solstice Divination Game Kit on Patreon, which includes an extended list of 29 journaling prompts and cards already prepared ready to be printed.

It also includes a fun colouring image that can be used as a reading mat.

cosmic spirit study on patreonJoin the Cosmic Spirit Study to access all the printable tarot resources I create to support you on your tarot and spiritual journey.

For only $3.33 a month it’s a total bargain.

Can’t wait to welcome you there!

Warmest wishes,



Hello Spring Ostara Tarot Spread

ostara tarot spread
Check out my seasonal tarot spreads ebook

The Ace of Coins from the Alchemical Tarot perfectly captures the spirit of Ostara and the official beginning of Spring.

The hare reminds me of the white rabbit from Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland beckoning us to follow him down the hole for a new adventure.

And yes, the Spring Equinox is a time for rebirth, renewal and new beginnings.

After a dull winter, the longer and warmer days tend to make us feel more optimistic and hopeful for the coming months ahead.

As part of your Spring Equinox celebrations and seasonal explorations, here is my Ostara tarot spread you could incorporate:

1. What are the seeds that I’m sowing? 
The energies you are releasing that you might not be aware of. Whatever you’re doing at the moment (especially unconsciously), what effect may it have?

2. What seedlings are emerging around me? 
What is already developing around you that you may not be aware of? A project you recently started, or a goal you’ve set yourself, what is emerging from it so far?

3. What do I need to focus on until the Summer Solstice? 
A task you need to carry out, a skill you need to acquire, or anything you need to pay attention to that will help you achieve your goal.

For each question, you can pull up to three cards to gain some insight.

I hope you enjoy my Ostara tarot spread, and please do let me know how it works for you.

For more seasonal tarot spreads and creative tarot journaling ideas, please check out Cosmic Faery’s Journal Workbook.

Wishing you a Blessed Equinox,


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Tarot Journey: Return To The Light

the sun, cosmic faery tarotAfter a dark and gloomy January here in the UK, February has finally arrived.

I can sense a sudden exhilarating shift in my mood as if a button has been pressed in my brain.

The days are getting longer, the snowdrops are blooming, the crocuses are on their way, I’m looking out for buds on shrubs and trees…. on our tarot journey, it’s the return from darkness into the light. Yay!

The return to the light is symbolised by the Sun in the Major Arcana. Before we embrace this positive energy of joy and enlightenment, we can put closure on the darkness with this little spread:

from darkness to light tarot spreadNow that we have put the darkness to rest (at least for a while), we can focus on the lighter side of life – creation, success, clarity, simple abundance, vitality.

In the Tarot, when the Fool reaches the Sun, he has reached his goal. He is exactly where he wants to be.

In the RWS deck, his achievement is symbolised by the red feather on his head on both cards and the sun in the sky, which has turned from white (beginning) to golden (completion):

rider waite smith fool and sun
Buy the borderless Smith-Waite Centennial Edition

In the Cosmic Faery Tarot, I have illustrated the Fool’s milestone as a seedling growing into a beautiful sunflower:

cosmic faery tarot fool and sun
Cosmic Faery Tarot

Working with the Sun, ask the following questions:

  • What has come to fruition?
  • What commitments have I made?
  • What do I now understand?
  • What can I celebrate today?
  • What is making me happy right now?

The Sun is very much about living in the moment, the here and now.

Just for a change, there is no need to make plans or think about the future.

What is most important is to savour the present and just be.

The Sun’s energy is linked to various cards in the tarot, most notably the Ten of Swords (Sun in Gemini), which depicts quite profoundly the emergence from darkness into the light.

If you are curious about your own tarot journey and want to learn more, check out my courses and ebooks, grab my freebies, or just hang out with me in the Cosmic Spirit Wellness community.

Warmest wishes,


Tarot Shadow Work: Descend into the Underworld

Cosmic Faery Tarot Shadow Major Arcana Cards
Cosmic Faery Tarot Deck

With the dark season approaching and the spirit of Halloween in the air, it’s a good time to light some candles, burn some incense, play some atmospheric music and work with the shadow cards of the Major Arcana for some serious self-exploration:

The Hanged Man, Death, The Devil, The Tower and The Moon.

The late Hajo Banzhaf (Tarot and the Journey of the Hero) assigned these cards to the Arc of the Night of the Major Arcana, the descend into the underworld, which starts with the Hanged Man and ends with the Moon.

These are not the most welcome cards when they appear in readings, but when we face them and examine our dark side (including those past experiences we’d rather forget), they can help us turn our darkness into light.

The best way to do that is through self-enquiry. Here are some questions you can ask yourself for each card:

The Hanged Man – What do I keep avoiding? Where am I stuck in my life? In what situations did/do I find it hard making decisions? What sacrifices have I made in order to make progress? What do I refuse to give up?

Death – Endings in my life that were painful. Changes that were unsettling. New beginnings that resulted from these endings/changes. What do I need to let go of now (habits, things, people…)? How can I transform anguish, loss and grief into a new sense of purpose and understanding? What transformations have I experienced in my life?

Tarot spread: 1. Me now / 2. Me a year ago – What has changed?

The Devil – What is controlling me / what am I controlling? Where do I feel trapped? How can I break free? Where am I complacent? Where am I wasting too much energy that isn’t worth it? What am I obsessed about? Where have I been despondent? A taboo in my life / family / society.

The Tower – What am I angry about? When was the last time I showed my anger? What incident or situation shook my world? How have I recovered? When did I feel that my life was falling apart, and how have I rebuilt it? What has gone out of control? What have I destroyed on purpose in order to start again differently?

The Moon – When did my imagination last run wild? What are my fears / insecurities and doubts? What am I confused about? A nightmare I can remember I once had. My lunar fantasies: visions and illusions (pull a card for each). What is obscured and needs to be revealed? Where and how am I deceiving myself?

Make a date with your shadow and descend into the underworld with these cards. Enjoy!

Warmest wishes,


PS: Learn more about how to use the cards for self-exploration and healing in my Discovery Tarot Course.

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