Global Year Card 2020: The Emperor In The Tarot

the emperor in the tarotThe Emperor in the Tarot (key 4 in the Major Arcana) is our planet’s year card for 2020 based on numerology (2+0+2+0 = 4).

This card symbolises power and control issues in both beneficial and challenging ways.

For many people, the world has become an unsettling place – fascist leaders taking control, inequality, rise in crime, radical climate change activism, environmental catastrophes around the world, the sheer volume of plastic waste, unsustainable consumption, war in the Middle East, fake news, political corruption and gaslighting…

It all started in 2017, the Wheel of Fortune year, in which Trump took office in the White House.

Since then, our heads have been spinning caused by a dazzling speed of change beyond our control.

But 2020 is the year of the Emperor – a reminder we need to step back into our power and become leaders of light and hope in our families, communities, at work, in our relationships and also for ourselves.

This means we have to get fully engaged with the world, get active, speak up and debate, join and support groups to contribute towards making a difference.

Taking responsibility that we are all to blame for the state of the world, and now it’s time to make amends by radically changing our ways.

The Emperor has a vision of where he wants to be in the future. He is passionate, ambitious, driven and doesn’t shy away from confrontation.

He is in control by making plans and getting organised.

He is creating a solid foundation – a springboard – from which he can progress, move forward and grow.

At a global level during 2020, we will see more people questioning old structures and institutions (Meghan and Harry, Iran protests, healthcare funding, climate emergency…). This will continue into 2021, the year of the Hierophant.

There will be power struggles between governments and new grassroot movements demanding change.

The dark side of the Emperor will show up, and we have to face it head on: narcissism and control issues.

Look at neo-fascist populist leaders taking control all over the world by spreading misinformation and character assassinations on a global scale through social media.

The population is being controlled by lack of funding for education. The government doesn’t want our children to become digitally intelligent. This would expose government’s lies and damage their power.

We have to take education (including critical thinking and fact-checking) in our own hands.

The Emperor is linked to the zodiac sign Aries – what will be started, may not necessarily come to a conclusion.

Projects borne out of passion or anger may be aborted midway due to intense emotions diminishing, lack of interest, energy, a short attention span.

Without a good plan and preparation, even the best intentions and ideas despite enthusiasm may not lead to anything and just dissipate.

I’m watching the Labour leadership election and development of Extinction Rebellion (and other environmental protest movements) with the Emperor in mind. How is the Emperor energy reflected in your part of the world?

The Emperor is this year’s global year card, which means that while this masculine, yang energy has a strong influence on our personal lives, it also works combined with our personal year cards.

The global year card represents our external influences – opportunities and challenges, global events and developments we cannot control.

Our personal year card represents internal energy – strengths, weaknesses, attitudes, beliefs, values, choices, desires, our actions and responses to global year card energies.

How does your personal year card interact with the current global year card?

Take these three steps to start exploring:

1. What’s your first impression when looking at both cards together?
2. What element/s are represented? (earth, air, fire, water…)
3. What astrological correspondences? (planets, zodiac)

Elements and astrological correspondences can give you an indication, whether your combination is friendly, supportive, neutral, conflicting or challenging.

You can then explore how to harness, resolve and align these energies to your advantage.

This work isn’t done in a day. It’s an ongoing project that lasts a whole year.

Over on Patreon, we will check up on a monthly basis, how the Emperor is influencing global developments, which is just one of many mindful tarot activities you can participate in as a member.

Learn more about membership HERE. I’d love to welcome you to my Patreon community. Together, we can grow strong.

Warmest wishes,



The Tens in the Tarot of Quotes

ten of wands, the tens in the tarotWhile the Nines mark peak moments and contemplation, the tens complete the suit with a brooding restless energy.

This energy is heaviest in the two active suits Wands and Swords, whereas in the passive Cups and Pentacles all looks happy and positive on the surface.

Looking deeper, change is in the air. Whether the scene is positive or challenging, transition and movement are inevitable.

Ten symbolises completion as reflected in the ten commandments found in the Old Testament and the ten Sephirot on the Kabbalah Tree of Life.

The metric measurement system is based on ten, and time is measured in decades (ten years) and centuries (10 x 10 years).

In the Tarot, Ten is linked to the Wheel of Fortune, indicating a continuous cycle, ending and new beginning.

The numbers 1 and 0 are also linked to the Magician and the Fool suggesting infinite potential.

In a reading, the Tens can indicate the need for closure or necessary change.

Other meanings include:

Completion of a cycle, result, regeneration, release, responsibility, consolidation; new direction or re-commitment; purpose.

A classic 10-card tarot spread is the Celtic Cross, and many different versions of it can be found on the internet.

Ten of Wands – burden, difficulties, responsibilities, oppression

Esoteric Title: The Lord of Oppression

Astrological Attribution: Saturn in Sagittarius – in the Major Arcana, Saturn is linked to The World – carrying the world on your shoulders; change is required to create balance

Interpretation: awareness of self-limitations; bogged down; discipline and self-reliance create suffering; sense of duty; not sharing responsibilities; not delegating, trying to do it all on your own; lack of resources, feeling overwhelmed but carrying on

Image symbolism:

Man supporting building on his shoulders – heavy weight, burden

Surrounding fire – urgency of situation to free himself of oppression, precarious situation

Red / orange colours – element fire, high energy

ten of cups tarot of quotesTen of Cups – emotional contentment, harmony, fulfilment, wholeness, optimism

Esoteric Title: The Lord of Perfected Success

Astrological Attribution: Mars in Pisces – happy families, or are they? Something may be brooding underneath the surface; dormant volcano; beware of challenging times ahead;

Interpretation: feeling blissful and at ease; content with yourself and present situation; as good as it gets; commitment; feeling secure; close-knit family; count your blessings; gratitude

Image symbolism:

Swans – linked to Pisces (also see Knight of Cups)

Water – feelings and emotions

Lake – calm water

Signets – responsibility, unconditional love

Flowers in water – happiness, beauty

ten of swords tarot of quotesTen of Swords ending, exhaustion, resignation, failure, disillusion

Esoteric Title: The Lord of Ruin

Astrological Attribution: Sun in Gemini – new beginning, new life, new opportunity, birth, resilience, survivor spirit, looking at the bright side.

Interpretation: drawing a line, close the chapter, it can’t get any worse; devastated; ruin; shattered (dreams); giving up; acknowledging it’s the end of a situation, time to take a new direction.

Image symbolism:

Graveyard – endings, finality

Sunrise – new beginning, new dawn

Church ruin – something broken

Castle in distance – new goal, direction, possibilities

ten of pentacles tarot of quotesTen of Pentacles permanence, tradition, family, prosperity, wealth, establishment

Esoteric Title: The Lord of Wealth

Astrological Attribution: Mercury in Virgo – good organisational skills, nurturing a network of friends/ family / support, being established as an influencer / speaker / advisor, clever with money and long-term investments

Interpretation: investing time and energy to gain in the long-term; family heirlooms, inheritance, financial security, family support; legacy; status, privilege

Image symbolism:

Fireplace – warmth, luxury

Seasonal decorations – family gathering for festivities; traditional celebration; timing of card is winter

The decorations on display also symbolise values and aspirations with regards to money, home, family and work

You can view all images of the Tarot of Quotes in the Gallery.

The Cosmic Faery Tarot Guidebook  is now available, which also includes empowering messages, spreads and journaling promps as well as a printable mini edition of the Cosmic Faery Tarot.

Warmest wishes,


The Nines in the Tarot of Quotes

nine of wands tarot of quotesFollowing on from the energetic Eights, the Nines in the Tarot mark the completion of a cycle – fulfilment, conclusion, integration and attainment.

Linked to the nine months of pregnancy it also symbolises gestation.

We have reached a peak, and now it is time to consider a new path to avoid stagnation as indicated by the Hermit (card 9 in the Major Arcana).

There is a sense of aloneness in all the Nines in the Tarot indicating a need to be self-reliant and take sole responsibility for our situation.

The Nines reflect experience. We have come a long way. How did we get here? A good question to ask, when the Nines show up in a reading.

By evaluating and reflecting on past actions, we can gain an understanding why we are in the situation as depicted by these cards and choose which path to take next.

Numerically, the number Nine is linked to 18 (1 + 8), The Moon, which can indicate confusion and insecurities often on an emotional level.

Nine of Wands –endurance, exhaustion, threat, protection

Esoteric Title: The Lord of Great Strength

Astrological Attribution: Moon in Sagittarius – rest from strife, yet feeling restless and weary; insecure, flexible, strong, power of cyclical forces

Interpretation: battered and bruised, but still standing; careful, guarded, cautious, watchful. Suspicious and distrustful. Safe.

Image symbolism:

Castle wall – protection, secure base, boundary

Dog figure with shield – watchman, guard, protection, prepared for the unexpected, defence

Waning moon – a cycle ending, consolidation

Yellow / orange colours – fiery energy

Bushes – blocking view, obscurity, hidden dangers / obstacles

nine of cups tarot of quotes

Nine of Cups – pleasure, satisfaction, sensuality, happy times, indulgence

Esoteric Title: The Lord of Material Happiness

Astrological Attribution: Jupiter in Pisces – higher purpose, gratitude, emotional growth, spiritual love, benevolence

Interpretation: enjoying the simple pleasures, wishes fulfilled; lucky in love, being content, emotional and spiritual nourishment and abundance, manifesting dreams

Image symbolism:

Laughing buddha – happiness

Blue cup filled with stars – positive feelings and emotions

Red rose – passion, love

nine of swords tarot of quotes

Nine of Swords –worries, anxiety, panic, loneliness, guilt, nightmares

Esoteric Title: The Lord of Despair and Cruelty

Astrological Attribution: Mars in Gemini – destructive forces of the mind; cruel words, negative self-talk

Interpretation: negative thinking, irrational fears clouding sound judgement, sleepless nights, self-torment, need to confront issues head-on to dissolve anguish; dark night of the soul, sense of hopelessness

Image symbolism:

Ugly creature – negative thoughts and fears personified; they affect outer persona and appearance

Crystal ball – focus on clear thinking

Grey-green colour – bleakness, lack of inspiration

nine of pentacles tarot of quotes

Nine of Pentacles -abundance, harvest, reward, status, independence

Esoteric Title: The Lord of Material Gain

Astrological Attribution: Venus in Virgo – enjoying the fruits of labour, success and abundance achieved through diligence and efficient planning

Interpretation: enjoying the good life, luxuries, plenty, affluence, self-sufficiency, outer and inner wealth, gratitude

Image symbolism:

Manor house – wealth, status, security

Luscious garden – rich harvest, fecundity, growth

Large trees – maturity, long-term, patience

Red rose – Venus, beauty, solitude, self-reliance

You can view all images of the Tarot of Quotes in the Gallery.

The Cosmic Faery Tarot Guidebook  is now available, which also includes empowering messages, spreads and journaling promps as well as a printable mini edition of the Cosmic Faery Tarot.

Warmest wishes,


The Eights in the Tarot of Quotes

the eights in the tarot

After the Sevens, we are now experiencing a sense of revival with the Eights in the Tarot.

In numerology, Eight is the number of regeneration and renewal, linked to the (eight-pointed) Star, number 17 of the Major Arcana.

Eight also represents cosmic balance.

On its side, the shape of this number becomes the lemniscate, a symbol for the eternal balancing of opposites, which can be found above the heads of the Magician and Strength in the Rider Waite Smith Tarot.

And on the Wheel of Fortune, the eight-spoke wheel reflects the perpetual balancing act symbolised by this number.

The hourglass shape of this number symbolises the passing of time.

After having sorted through the options available in the Sevens, decisions are being made about what to keep and what to release.

Flux and movement is a common theme of the eights in the tarot together with energy, thrust, evolution, restriction, persistence, resilience, expansion.

Priorities are set, and a new order is being established.

Eight of Wands – action, movement, change, initiative, energy

Esoteric Title: The Lord of Swiftness

Astrological Attribution: Mercury in Sagittarius – quick thinking and acting, swiftness, travel, excitement, adventure, rapid communication

Interpretation: finger on the pulse, living in the fast lane, creative overdrive, bright ideas, volatility, electricity, information overload, flux, momentum

Image symbolism:

Rollercoaster – the ups and downs of life, excitement, risks, intensity

Red, orange, yellow colours – fire energy

eight of cups tarot of quotes

Eight of Cups – moving on, resignation, quest, uncertainty, insecurity, sadness

Esoteric Title: The Lord of Abandoned Success

Astrological Attribution: Saturn in Pisces – Leaving comfort zone behind, outgrown an established situation, feeling restricted or tied down, embracing change, following your heart

Interpretation: a comfortable situation has become stale and sluggish; in need of a fresh perspective; abandonment; letting go, detachment, sombre mood

Image symbolism:

Waning moon – ending

Path in front – new direction

Lake – water, feelings

Red/white roses – mixed emotions, alchemy, balancing emotions

Horizon – new possibilities

eight of swords tarot of quotesEight of Swords – restrictions, crisis, isolation, suppression, helplessness, indecision

Esoteric Title: The Lord of Shortened Force

Astrological Attribution: Jupiter in Gemini – recognising self-restrictions, need for change and expansion, making conscious choices to create movement; restlessness, communication

Interpretation: obstacles, limitations, narrow-mindedness, victim mentality, entrapment, feeling trapped, helplessness, need to sharpen the mind and will to overcome obstructions

Image symbolism:

Surrounded by walls – restriction, limited view

Sky, windows – way out, possible solutions

Night time – lack of vision

eight of pentacles tarot of quotesEight of Pentacles -eagerness, mastery, development, effort, productivity, quality

Esoteric Title: The Lord of Prudence

Astrological Attribution: Sun in Virgo – growing and nurturing skills; quality work, working towards perfection, paying attention to detail

Interpretation: continuous effort, discipline and perseverance, regular investment, aptitude, tenacity, industrious, practice makes perfect

Image symbolism:

Washing hanging to dry – waiting for investments to mature, reaping the harvest, repetitive work

Stars leading up – moving up on career ladder, self-improvement, advance

You can view all images of the Tarot of Quotes in the Gallery.

The Cosmic Faery Tarot Guidebook  is now available to download, which also includes a printable mini edition of the Cosmic Faery Tarot.

Warmest wishes,


The Raw and Scary Meaning of Death in the Tarot

the real meaning of death prisma visions tarot
Prisma Visions Tarot

It’s Scorpio season, a time of letting go, endings and transformation.

Scorpio is linked to Death in the Tarot, so it’s the perfect time to talk about the raw and scary aspects of this card nobody wants to raise when it pops up in a reading.

There is no beating around the bush: Death isn’t the happiest card in the Tarot.

It ain’t pretty (unless you are a tree in autumn shedding your leaves), it ain’t fun.

Even the cheerful motto Out with the old, in with the new often covers up melancholy moments of letting something go that holds bittersweet memories.

Scorpio’s sting hurts, even if it’s just a tiny bit.

And while Death may well symbolise the transformation of the caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly, for us humans the process is more complex, at best uncomfortable and at worst very painful and crushing.

There is no point in denying the true meaning of Death, which in essence is about irreversible endings.

It’s the finality of Death that can be so painful and hard to accept.

There is no point in denying the ugly side of Death, full stop. Popular tarot blogs and new age happy clappers want to make us believe that Death is a wonderful thing.

That it’s about fabulous change and new beginnings, which sounds great but somehow sanitises its actual meaning.

It’s time to acknowledge this card for what it really stands for:

An ending you – or your client – don’t want and didn’t ask for.

And yes, it can sometimes even mean physical death. It was my father’s year card in his final year of life.

That doesn’t mean you should tell your client that they or one of their loved ones is about to die. No, please don’t.

Instead, when this card comes up in a reading, ask yourself (or your client) what this card means to you (them) at this moment in time.

Death is a taboo subject in our society and often brushed under the carpet. Anything to do with it including fear of death, grieving, and preparing for it when seriously ill.

Because we are living longer, we tend to take the time we have for granted. Death in a reading can remind us that we don’t have all the time in the world.

Death reminds us not to delay turning our dreams into reality, because one day it will be too late.

Death in a reading can act as a reminder of our mortality. Together with Justice, it may be a good idea to make a will and get your affairs in order (including life insurance) to prepare for the inevitable.

To many, this sounds macabre, but what you would really be doing is taking care of your loved ones in case something happens to you.

It can suggest any of the five stages of grieving – denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance – you or your client may be experiencing. It’s time to tackle those emotions.

Death says: “What are you wasting your time on? Life is too short.”

Death is a process, and sometimes we don’t realise we’ve been through it until we look back and realise that the last couple of years or so have been tough and transformed us into the person we are today.

And we are still alive – that’s the good news! Let’s make the most of it.

Warmest wishes,


PS: Learn more about how to use the cards for self-exploration and healing in my Discovery Tarot Course.

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The Sevens in the Tarot of Quotes

seven of wands tarot of quotes
Seven of Wands

Moving on from the restorative Sixes, we are now experiencing the crazy creepy contemplating Sevens in the Tarot.

This is not as bad as it sounds, since the number Seven is regarded in numerology as a mystical and sacred number.

In the Tarot, the number Seven is linked to movement, struggle, contemplation, self-reflection, indecision, new direction and restraint.

The corresponding Major Arcana card is the Chariot.

Seven of Wands – defence, resistance, struggle, perseverance

Esoteric Title: The Lord of Valour

Astrological Attribution: Mars in Leo – stress, competition, aggression, stamina, energetic, intense, friction, willpower, courage, survival instinct

Interpretation: standing up for yourself, fight for what you believe in; enduring a stressful situation, be daring, taking a risk in order to prevail; on the defensive

Image symbolism:

Fire – Mars (also see the Tower); attacking forces, chaos

Figure on the podium – defensive position, ready to confront trouble

Water in the distance – resolution ahead

seven of cups tarot of quotes
Seven of Cups

Seven of Cups – Wishful thinking, desire, escape, daydreaming

Esoteric Title: The Lord of Illusionary Success

Astrological Attribution: Venus in Scorpio – creative visualisations, sensual dreams and desires, fantasy worlds, imagination, escapism, mixed emotions

Interpretation: lots of ideas floating in head, choices, flights of fancy, imagination overwhelm; reality check; gullibility; prioritizing, turning dreams into reality

Image symbolism:

Vases and jars – choices

Stars in the vases – dreams, treasures, happy thoughts, aspirations

Sky with clouds – castle in the air, dreams and hopes that need action to turn them into reality

seven of swords tarot of quotes
Seven of Swords

Seven of Swords – deception, secrecy, insincerity, stealth, ambiguity

Esoteric Title: The Lord of Unstable Effort

Astrological Attribution: Moon in Aquarius – obscurity, insecurity, hidden agenda, cunning, slyness, self-protection, vagueness, subversion, plotting, resistance, mistrust, intrigue

Interpretation: avoiding confrontation, running away from responsibility, a cover-up, lying, lack of integrity, hiding the truth; trying to get away with “murder”; malpractice

Image symbolism:

Dark grey colours – murkiness

Guy Fawkes – infamous 17th century English Catholic, who planned a plot against King James I (the gunpowder plot), which failed.

Mask – famous mask appearing in V for Vendetta, a graphic novel created by Alan Moore

seven of pentacles tarot of quotes
Seven of Pentacles

Seven of Pentacles – patience, choice, growth, development

Esoteric Title: The Lord of Success Unfulfilled

Astrological Attribution: Saturn in Taurus – completion, lack of movement, restrictions, new opportunities, outgrown a situation, resistance to change, indecision, preparing for change, fear of failure, stagnation

Interpretation: patience, waiting for the right moment, a choice between the familiar and the unknown, contemplating risks, taking time to act, cultivating what is nourishing and sustaining (e.g. healthy habits, friendships, beliefs etc.)

Image symbolism:

Fruit and plants – harvest, growth, success

Open door – new opportunities, the unknown

Orange / brown colours – autumn, the season linked to the suit of Pentacles

I welcome your views and opinions on my cards. Please feel free to leave your comments below.

The Cosmic Faery Tarot Guidebook  is now available to download, which also includes a printable mini edition of the Cosmic Faery Tarot.

Warmest wishes,


The High Priestess in the Tarot of Quotes

high priestess in the tarot of quotesThe High Priestess in the Tarot is one of the most mysterious and fascinating archetypes.

She embodies the feminine energy that is inherent within us all – intuition, inner wisdom, silence, stillness, reflection, gut instinct, patience.

The High Priestess is your inner spiritual advisor, counsellor, guide and psychic muse. If you don’t know what to do or what to say, you follow her instead.

She represents inner knowing that doesn’t come with tangible proof but with feelings and perceptions that trigger your sixth sense.

Following the High Priestess requires a huge amount of trust in her abilities but also plenty of self-knowledge to distinguish sound advice from deception and illusion.

She encourages you to dig deeper in order to see the bigger picture, to work with nature’s rhythms such as the moon phases and the seasons, learn from your dreams, and follow your aspirations (those goals that seem to call you).

The High Priestess in the Tarot of Quotes is a lighthouse in the darkness, the guiding light that shows you the way safely to your destination.

The surrounding sea is the vastness of feelings and emotions within you, and just like an explorer you need to navigate on the surface to find your way and dive in to find all the treasures (talents, secrets, answers) hidden in the deep.

Astrologically, the High Priestess is linked to the moon. The waxing moon (new moon) represents intentions, conception and manifesting.

In practical terms, when this card comes up in a reading, you may want to observe rather than take action, wait and see, be silent rather than chatty, listen rather than speak. Let something work itself out or a situation unravel in its own time.

If something doesn’t feel right, don’t do it or stop doing it.

high priestess cosmic faery tarot
Still waters run deep – Cosmic Faery Tarot Deck

Follow your inner guide or ask someone you trust for advice.

What to avoid: moodiness, being irrational, unpredictability, isolation.

I welcome your views and opinions on my cards. Please feel free to leave your comment below.

You can buy the Cosmic Faery Tarot deck here.

Warmest wishes,


cosmic faery tarot guidebook
Grab the Cosmic Faery Tarot Guidebook