Get Unstuck Tarot Spread

get unstuck tarot spreadThe recent global events – pandemic, environmental disasters, lockdowns, chaotic leadership – have left many people traumatised, which has caused an increase in mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety.

Millions of people lack direction during these unsettling times as we are all questioning our way of life, what brought us to this point and where the heck are we going from here.

If you feel stuck in your life – perhaps you are thinking about changing your career, letting go of a relationship, moving countries, living off-grid, starting a business, or making some other profound change – then perhaps you want to try the Get Unstuck Tarot Spread.

This spread is designed to help you make the right choices, overcome insecurities and self-doubt, denial, procrastination and perhaps even self-sabotage.

  • What are you struggling with in terms of choice and decision-making?
  • What is keeping you in a place where you can’t seem to move forward?

Sounds dramatic, but in reality this energy is often lingering in the background without us realising and can affect various areas in our lives at once.

Pay attention to just one area that needs resolving, and it can have a positive effect on everything else.

When we become aware of it, we can begin to do something about it.

Here is a three-card spread you can try to get unstuck:

1. Where in your life are you feeling stuck right now?

You will probably already know the answer to this question, but pulling a card can offer you deeper insight.

2. What is the underlying cause?

Focus here on internal battles, blocks, attitudes, beliefs, vices.

3. What can you do to get unstuck?

An action you can take to get unstuck. This may not be the holy grail of solutions, but at least a first step towards untanglement.

The Get Unstuck Tarot Spread is a simple spread with straight-forward questions – from getting unstuck to getting inspired to get moving again.

Warmest wishes,


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Author: Christiane

Tarot explorer~spiritual tour guide~tarot courses~creative tarot resources~Certified Happiness Coach~INFJ~Hufflepuff~star gazer~moon lover~at home amongst trees

2 thoughts on “Get Unstuck Tarot Spread”

  1. This helped me pull myself out of an almost month-long rut, so I just wanted to say thank you!!

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