22 Equinox Journaling Prompts To Balance Your Life

22 journaling prompts to balance in your life
The Cosmic Faery Tarot

The upcoming Equinox marks the day when daylight and night-time are equal in length.

It also coincides with the sun entering Libra, and in the Tarot this zodiac sign is linked to Justice.

So, whether you are celebrating the Spring or Autumn Equinox, the common theme is Balance.

Hence the following equinox journaling prompts are universal rather than specific to geographical location.

The prompts are designed to explore opposing energies in our lives and find ways to align them, to adjust and integrate.

Creating balance in your life is an ongoing process, and with this collection of seasonal prompts you can do some serious but also fun and fascinating soul work over the coming weeks.

Each prompt consists of two positions. Draw a card for each, and if you like you can also draw a third card to explore how to align the opposing energies.

22 journaling prompts to balance your life:

  1. Withdraw from… / Connect with…
  2. My heart / My mind
  3. I learn / I teach
  4. Denial / Acceptance
  5. I am free to… / I am responsible for…
  6. I am confused about… / This will give me clarity:
  7. Imagination / Reality
  8. Knowledge / Wisdom
  9. My struggle: / My power:
  10. I trust: / I doubt:
  11. My plan: / My action:
  12. I fear: / I embrace:
  13. Habit / Change
  14. Stop… / Start…
  15. Renew: / Discard:
  16. Slow down / Accelerate
  17. Fly high / Lie low
  18. My pain: / My pleasure:
  19. This is ending: / This is beginning:
  20. Conflict / Peace
  21. I resist: / I surrender
  22. I choose: / I receive:

Play the Equinox Divination Game

Just like the Solstice Divination Game, playing with these journal prompts doesn’t have to be limited to the time of the Equinox.

Play whenever you feel you need to create balance in your life.

Printable cards and instructions are available on my Patreon space, the Cosmic Spirit Sanctuary.

If you love a more creative and structured approach to working with the Tarot, consider becoming a member.

Learn more here.

equinox journaling prompts balance
Lots of printable goodies available on Patreon…








19 Solstice Journaling Prompts To Light You Up

solstice journaling prompts
Watch my YouTube video

The solstice is just around the corner, and regardless of where you live in the world, this time of year marks a turning point.

Whether you are celebrating the Summer or Winter Solstice, the common theme is Light.

While in the Northern Hemisphere the light peaks, in the Southern Hemisphere it returns, so the following solstice journaling prompts are universal rather than specific to geographical location.

When the light appears or peaks in our life, there is always a sense of joy connected with it.

It’s time to celebrate, have a laugh and enjoy the moment.

So, have some fun and get lit with this light-hearted collection of seasonal prompts:

  1. A highlight to celebrate
  2. What needs illuminating
  3. What am I visualising
  4. What do I need to be more optimistic about:
  5. What am I attracting:
  6. What am I inspired to do:
  7. How can I be a beacon of light to others?
  8. Where to focus my energy:
  9. What do I need to be more mindful about:
  10. A self-care practice that would benefit me at this time:
  11. A new direction:
  12. What delights me:
  13. What lights me up:
  14. A moment of enlightenment:
  15. A fun revelation:
  16. Happiness is…
  17. A creative talent that needs nurturing:
  18. What needs invigorating:
  19. How I currently express myself
Let’s play the Solstice Divination Game

Here’s a fun and insightful way to turn the journaling prompts into a divination game.

Play on your own or with friends.

Write each journaling prompt on a piece of card, shuffle and draw up to four cards to create a spread.

You can also just draw one card for daily guidance over the coming weeks.

Or you can play with others by letting them draw a journaling prompt and tarot card for a mini reading.

*** This game isn’t just for the Solstice – play it throughout summer or when you feel like you want to get lit 🙂 ***

You can also download my Solstice Divination Game Kit on Patreon, which includes an extended list of 29 journaling prompts and cards already prepared ready to be printed.

It also includes a fun colouring image that can be used as a reading mat.

cosmic spirit study on patreonJoin the Cosmic Spirit Study to access all the printable tarot resources I create to support you on your tarot and spiritual journey.

For only $3.33 a month it’s a total bargain.

Can’t wait to welcome you there!

Warmest wishes,



22 Side Effects You Experience When Learning The Tarot

high priestess housewives tarot
High Priestess, Housewives Tarot

If you are interested in learning the Tarot, you need to be aware of some serious side effects you may encounter.

You see, learning the Tarot isn’t about memorising card meanings. It’s actually living the whole damn thing every day and every moment.

It’s a way of life.

It’s about doing a lot of inner work that turns your insides out and puts it all back together again, but differently.

It’s breaking and healing.

If you think that spiritual awakening is all love n light, you’re mistaken. If you don’t confront and deal with your darkness, you just live in an illusion.

But worry not. The side effects you experience when learning the Tarot will help you become a better person and live your best life.

Here are the most commonly experienced side effects as reflected in the 22 cards of the Major Arcana:

The Fool: You start to discover new aspects of yourself.

The Magician: You realise anything is possible.

The High Priestess: You learn to access your inner wisdom.

The Empress: You become more creative.

The Emperor: You feel empowered.

The Hierophant: Amongst family and friends you start to feel a bit of an outsider…

The Lovers: …but you will also meet like-minded souls and make new friends.

The Chariot: You will leave your comfort zone behind…

Strength: …and have the courage and passion to persevere.

The Hermit: You start enjoying your solitude.

Wheel of Fortune: You worry less about what you cannot control.

Justice: You learn to balance logic with intuition when making important choices.

The Hanged Man: You begin to see the world differently.

Death: You become a new person.

Temperance: You stress less and live more in the flow.

The Devil: You recognise and deal with the dark stuff in your life.

The Tower: You question everything.

The Star: You begin to see the bigger picture.

The Moon: You will fall in love with the moon.

The Sun: You realise that happiness is a choice, and confidence is a daily practice.

Judgement: You rise above drama.

The World: You look back at your life and see how far you have come.

These are only 22 side effects most people will experience, but there are also reports of reduction in anxiety and depression when exposed to the tarot over a long period.

Have you experienced any side effects not listed here? Let me know!

Warmest wishes,


5 Proven Ways To Become A Confident Tarot Reader

become a confident tarot readerMost aspiring tarot readers have the desire not only to read for themselves but other people too, and that requires a certain amount of confidence.

Often that confidence is hampered by self-doubt and other insecurities.

How can you overcome that nagging feeling inside of not being good enough?

Here are five steps you can take to become a confident tarot reader:

1. Learn to embrace the Tarot as a way of life.

For example, it’s early in the morning while I’m writing this, all is quiet, I’m savouring my first coffee of the day – feeling like the Nine of Cups and Queen of Wands all in one 🙂

How are you feeling right now? Which card/s spring to mind?

Connect the Tarot with your life, and all will start to fall into place.

For many students, this approach has led to a breakthrough in their studies. Learn to apply it in my Discovery Tarot Course.

2. Intuition – tune in by taking a couple of conscious breaths.

Listen to your inner voice. Pay attention of feelings and images coming up when drawing a card. First impressions are often meaningful. The more you tune into the image, the more will emerge.

3. Trust – You need to learn to trust your intuition and your inner knowing.

It’s all there inside you. Believe in yourself. Trust that whatever comes up in your head is meant to be.

4. Have the courage to leave your comfort zone behind.

When learning the Tarot, it’s new unknown territory. It’s normal to feel nervous (especially when you read for others), but it’s also exciting.

Be prepared for not getting it quite right sometimes. It’s all part of the learning and growth process.

5. Last but not least, be patient and persistent.

It takes regular practice to improve and deepen your skills. Although with basic knowledge of the Tarot you can quickly do simple one-card readings, mastery doesn’t happen overnight.

You can join online tarot study groups, and I would recommend smaller ones, where you can still get some personal support. Check out my free online community.

Enjoy the journey!

Warmest wishes,


5 Insightful Ways To Use Tarot For Self-Development

tarot for self-development
Creative Journaling Printables and Cosmic Faery Tarot deck

There is so much more to Tarot than just simple fortune-telling, and if you are looking for an empowering companion on your life journey, then choose the Tarot for self-development, healing and personal growth.

Here are five ways you can use the Tarot to increase awareness, perception, knowledge and understanding – qualities and skills you need to make the most of all aspects of life:

1. Setting Goals and turning them into Reality

Many people float through life without any clear direction where they want to be.

And if they do know where they want to be, they often don’t have a clear plan about how to get there.

This powerful monthly manifestation spread can help you focus on turning your dreams into reality:

monthly manifestation tarot

2. Increase Confidence and Self-Esteem

The first step you need to take to raise your confidence and self-esteem is getting to know yourself better and start believing in yourself.

Many people are doubtful and insecure about their talents and abilities, their worth in terms of personality and looks.

Chances are high that you are much better and stronger than you think.

Learn more about your strengths and weaknesses by checking out your personality and persona cards.

You can also use tarot spreads to explore and give your confidence a boost, such as the Magick Monday Confidence:

developing confidence tarot spread

3. Problem-Solving

Virtually every day we ask ourselves how to resolve specific problems, so why not ask the Tarot for some guidance:

  • How to resolve a conflict in a relationship or at work?
  • How to overcome an obstacle?
  • Why can I not reach my goal and what can I do about it?
  • What can I do to bring new love into my life?

Unblock yourself with the Get Unstuck Spread:

get unstuck tarot spread

4. Healing from Heartache

“Breaking up is never easy, I know, but I have to go. Knowing me, knowing you it’s the best I can do.”  – Abba

Recovering from a breakup isn’t easy, and nobody will blame you for temporarily self-medicating with bottles of wine and tubs of ice-cream.

But there are also healthier and more therapeutic options. Combine Tarot with journaling to make sense of the whole thing, so you can get closure and move on with your life.

There are so many spreads about overcoming heartache. You may be asking yourself if he’s coming back or will you ever find new love again, but exploring what will grow from your loss can help you shift your focus to new opportunities:

regeneration tarot spread

Other questions you can ask:

  • What can I do today that makes me feel better?
  • What can I do today that will help me heal?
  • What will make me happy today?
  • What can I do today that will help me let go and start afresh?

5. Explore your Options

We have to make decisions every day, most of which are made quickly and without fuss, others are major choices that need a little bit of thought and consideration before you decide what to do.

seven of cups tarot spread

Questions you might be asking yourself are:

  • Which job / career will offer me better prospects?
  • Is s/he the right one? My soul mate?
  • Shall I go ahead with the business launch or should I delay as not everything is in place yet?
  • Shall I spend my savings on the holiday or the training course? I have to make a choice as I can’t afford both.

Again, there are numerous spreads and explorations that can help you make decisions and work out what is best for you.

temperance tarot spread

As you can see, you can have oodles of fun with the Tarot and start sorting out your pressing life issues along the way.

If you want to learn more about how to use the Tarot for self-development, then please check out my Discovery Tarot Course.

Warmest wishes,


Fabulous Freebies

discovery tarot course self-study edition
Learn Tarot for self-development – my Discovery Tarot Course includes FREE creative journaling ebook and printable mini tarot deck


3 Mistakes to Avoid as a Tarot Reader

mistakes to avoid as a tarot readerWhen you begin and progress on your journey as a professional Tarot reader, you may look for advice and inspiration from your peers, usually found on their websites and in online networking groups.

Although it is helpful and enjoyable to engage with your fellow readers, I have noticed over the years that there tends to be a herd mentality, which can have the unfortunate effect of self-brainwashing.

I do understand that when you start as a professional, you are looking for all the help you can find to get yourself established, but at one point it is important to find your own way and think your own thoughts.

From that herd mentality and the resulting self-brainwashing, try to avoid the following three mistakes:

1. Being judgemental and presumptuous

Many tarot readers claim they are non-judgemental and objective, but are they really?

When readers announce in their blog posts that they refuse to read on repeat questions, or they “have to” rephrase some of their clients’ questions, then in fact this sounds pretty much judgemental. They seem to judge their clients’ situation based on these issues.

And when you read about their reasons why, then it seems that most of them are based on assumptions and speculations, such as the client obviously hasn’t moved on, or why are they asking me such a self-restrictive fortune-telling question? I can teach them how to do better...

When one tarot reader complained about clients requesting several readings from various readers about the same issue, it sounded like that client almost committed a criminal offence.

Of course the reader refused to do the reading, and I will probably get shot by the tarot ethics police when I admit that I have no problem submitting my reading when asked and getting paid for it, too.

Why? I hear you ask. Well, because every client has the right to spend their money on what they want. They can invest it in a huge DVD collection, or they can ask several readers for advice on how to handle and deal with a situation.

Everyone is entitled to second opinions, which doesn’t necessarily mean that they feed a habit or live in denial. And being in denial is nothing to feel ashamed or bad about. Denial is often part of the grieving process.

If I hadn’t asked another doctor for a second opinion many years ago, I would have been dead today.

When you need help resolving an issue, you may ask several people for their advice. In the end, you evaluate and make up your own mind. What’s wrong with that?

Not every client in this position is a tarot junkie.

The antidote to being judgmental and presumptuous is unconditional open-mindedness and acknowledgement that anything is possible. Avoid generalisation. Treat each client as an individual with their own unique issues.

2. Being a copy cat

When you are in awe of fellow tarot readers’ fabulous websites and blogs, it can be tempting to emulate them and inadvertently ending up being a bit of a clone.

How many unboxing videos are there on YouTube now? Who has time to watch them all? Are you sure you want to spend / waste time adding to that pile?

How many thousands of websites are out there offering tarot readings? How is yours standing out to get noticed? It doesn’t help to copy another website’s colour scheme or stock photos.

It’s even worse copying their products or services, such as courses and ebooks.

Last year I noticed that a big name in the tarot business had copied the concept of my Tarot Moon Journal, which I first published in 2012.

My creation was given a different title and a once-over in corporate colours, but I know mine is the original and best, like all original ideas usually are.

The antidote to being a copy cat is to find your own style, your true and authentic voice and create unique offerings with your personal touch.

3. Following the Tarot herd

  • you don’t need to have a huge tarot deck collection
  • you don’t need to join the latest social media platform, because other tarot readers do (what on earth is Periscope?)
  • you don’t need to condemn a fellow tarot reader solely based on accusations from another tarot reader. Tarot readers can be highly strung at times. Best to avoid this kind of drama – and judgement! Be fair and kind rather than part of a tarot mob.
  • only because one reader claims that they don’t read reversals doesn’t mean you shouldn’t either. Whatever works best for you really counts.
  • contrary to popular opinion, you can still use Tarot for fortune-telling, if that’s what you want to do
  • you don’t need to be constantly on social media. Switch off to think for yourself and generate your best ideas
  • you don’t need tarot certification
  • you don’t need to bombard the world with masses of tarot deck reviews, complicated spreads and tarotscopes. Instead, why not create a Best of… list linking to your favourites you found on other people’s blogs? Better than rehashing what is already out there.
  • you don’t need to call yourself a healer only because it seems like the new buzz job title for tarot readers
  • not all third party readings are equal. Some of them are okay to do, others are not. Avoid putting them all into one bucket. Consider each one carefully and see how far you want to go with it.

The antidote to following the tarot herd is critical thinking, discernment and realising that less is more. Take a step back, observe and evaluate without worrying about your peers’ acceptance or rejection. It’s the age-old dilemma of fitting in versus standing out.

Deep down you are wise, clever and intelligent enough to avoid these three mistakes as a Tarot reader once you put your mind to it.

Yes, I have made some of the mistakes listed here, learned my lessons and began to focus on my own imagination, new interests and experiences outside the tarot world that have inspired me to create the crazy cosmic enlightening stuff on offer here on my website.

What about you?

Warmest wishes,


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Tarot Moon Journal 2017 News

tarot moon journal 2017The Tarot Moon Journal 2017 has finally hit the virtual shelves, waiting to become your trusty companion for the new year.

Since its first edition in 2013, it has come a long way, slowly growing and evolving.

The latest edition includes a mini tutorial on how to include the pip cards in your moon readings.

Each pip card is linked to a zodiac sign, and I show you how you can take the next step and dive a little deeper into your readings with the help of the zodiac and the moon.

If you are new to using astrology in your tarot readings, then the Tarot Moon Journal can help you make a start and take your readings to the next level.

Regarding the lunar phases during 2017, there will be no New Moon in Capricorn (which will happen this year on 29th December), but we will enjoy two New Moons in Leo (July and August).

Each year when I adjust the changing moon phases in the journal, it is fascinating to watch the shifting cycles and energies.

The Tarot Moon Journal 2017 is still priced at only £5.00 (GBP) and also includes a 20% discount voucher for my Tarot Astrology Self-Study Course.

For more information and to grab your copy, click here.

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Warmest wishes,


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