5 Proven Ways To Become A Confident Tarot Reader

become a confident tarot readerMost aspiring tarot readers have the desire not only to read for themselves but other people too, and that requires a certain amount of confidence.

Often that confidence is hampered by self-doubt and other insecurities.

How can you overcome that nagging feeling inside of not being good enough?

Here are five steps you can take to become a confident tarot reader:

1. Learn to embrace the Tarot as a way of life.

For example, it’s early in the morning while I’m writing this, all is quiet, I’m savouring my first coffee of the day – feeling like the Nine of Cups and Queen of Wands all in one 🙂

How are you feeling right now? Which card/s spring to mind?

Connect the Tarot with your life, and all will start to fall into place.

For many students, this approach has led to a breakthrough in their studies. Learn to apply it in my Discovery Tarot Course.

2. Intuition – tune in by taking a couple of conscious breaths.

Listen to your inner voice. Pay attention of feelings and images coming up when drawing a card. First impressions are often meaningful. The more you tune into the image, the more will emerge.

3. Trust – You need to learn to trust your intuition and your inner knowing.

It’s all there inside you. Believe in yourself. Trust that whatever comes up in your head is meant to be.

4. Have the courage to leave your comfort zone behind.

When learning the Tarot, it’s new unknown territory. It’s normal to feel nervous (especially when you read for others), but it’s also exciting.

Be prepared for not getting it quite right sometimes. It’s all part of the learning and growth process.

5. Last but not least, be patient and persistent.

It takes regular practice to improve and deepen your skills. Although with basic knowledge of the Tarot you can quickly do simple one-card readings, mastery doesn’t happen overnight.

You can join online tarot study groups, and I would recommend smaller ones, where you can still get some personal support. Check out my free online community.

Enjoy the journey!

Warmest wishes,


One Easy Way To Accelerate Your Tarot Skills

accelerate your tarot skills
Even the somewhat baffling image of the Eight of Wands shows you what it’s about…

When students approach me for personal tarot mentoring, they tell me about how hard they find it to remember all the card meanings.

They have been trying to develop their tarot skills and knowledge for ages with only little progress, and now they are wondering, if there is an easier way to learn card meanings than memorising keywords from books.

At this stage I advise them to put their tarot books back on a shelf and start from scratch.

During our first session I show them how to connect with the tarot on an intuitive level by exploring the details of each image.

We are looking at symbolism (less complicated than it sounds), the whole scene, feelings and emotions generated, and last but not least the student’s own life experiences reflected in the cards.

During the session I encourage the student to open their mind and tap into their unconscious and imagination.

It’s always fantastic to see, when a student suddenly ‘gets it’, like a switch being turned on in the brain.

Yes, it can be hard at first to engage the creative side of our brain as we are conditioned to focus on rational thinking.

But once you have flicked that switch, there is no holding you back from accelerating your tarot skills.

Watch the following video, in which I show you how to read the tarot intuitively.

Once you apply that technique, you will hopefully notice an improvement of your tarot skills by developing a deep understanding of each image and therefore will no longer need to refer to a book:

If you have found this little video tutorial helpful and would like to work with me on a personal level to accelerate your tarot skills, these are some of  my offerings:

  1. Skype Training & Mentoring
  2. Online Tarot Courses
  3. Learn Tarot in 6 Weeks Intensive Program

I look forward to helping you to supercharge your tarot skills.

Warmest wishes,


Tarot deck used in this article and video: Universal Waite Tarot Deck,
© US Games Systems 2008

What To Include In a One-Card Reading (and FREE Journaling sheets!)

one card reading booklet front cover
Cards: Sharman Caselli Tarot

I have mentioned before that one-card readings can be very effective.

There is no need to draw multiple cards to get valuable insights from a reading, which is good news for beginners.

There is much you can see in just one card, and here I would like to demonstrate what you can cover in a one-card reading:

  1. First impressions: Keywords and phrases that come into your mind when you see the image. Also any feelings the image evokes.
  2. What to do / action to take: This should cover something practical and doable, active steps that can help influence a situation to achieve a positive outcome.
  3. What to avoid: Personal traits / habits / beliefs that could hinder a desired development or outcome.
  4. What to look out for: Something that is hidden; opportunities, obstacles, internal blocks…
  5. What needs attention: This could relate to a skill you need to develop, people around you, work, relationships, life style… a certain area of your life.
  6. Power Word / Phrase: A catch phrase, mantra or just one single word that will guide you onto the right track and towards achieving your desired outcome.
  7.  Affirmation: Same as 6, a positive statement to help you shift your mindset in a positive way.

You don’t have to cover all these points, especially when you’re just starting out learning the Tarot, but once you get stuck in, you will find it’s much easier than you first think.

two of wands tarot of quotes

Here’s an example with the Two of Wands, a reading I did for myself the other day, so the answers are specific and personal (your answers may differ):

First impressionsPlanning ahead! The only way is forward. Follow my passion. Embrace the unknown. Excitement. Opportunities. Vision. Travel and journeys.

What to do / action to take: Make a to-do list!

What to avoid: Procrastination, fear of the unknown

What to look out for: Turning new creative ideas into reality more quickly, becoming more efficient; planning and implementing with others. Diversifying…

What needs attention: Firing up and nurturing my ambition; be more driven. The changes I want to create in my work and personal life.

Power word / phrase: Get organised!

Affirmation: I can do this!

As you can see, there is no need to write a long essay. Keep it short and sweet, and for this purpose I have designed some fab journaling sheets for you:

one-card reading booklet A5 detailA4 Angel one card reading sheet (PDF doc.)

Two pages of the same sheet, so you can print double-sided, if your printer is set up for it.

A5 Angel one card journaling sheet (PDF doc.)

Two A5 angel sheets on one page, so you can create a booklet by printing on both sides of an A4 sheet.

You can print as many A5 sheets (double-sided) as you like. Perhaps you would like a booklet for the month ahead, for which you need 16 double-sided sheets folded in half.

You can use the cover page to name your booklet, e.g. My Angel Card Messages, My Oracle Card Readings, My Daily Draws etc. (see my pics above).

For more creative tarot printables and resources, please join me on Patreon.

Warmest wishes,



Simple But Powerful Ways To Connect With The Tarot

5 simple yet powerful ways to connect with the tarotNothing is as difficult and frustrating as trying to memorise Tarot card meanings from a book.

Since 2006, Tarot students from all over the world have worked with me to discover a better – easier – method to connect with the cards.

If you are just starting to learn the Tarot or find it hard to remember card meanings, here are my tried and tested powerful ways to connect with the Tarot without ever having to look at a book again:

1. Choose a Tarot deck that speaks to you

The best beginner’s Tarot deck is one, where all cards are fully illustrated, each image tells you a story and you find the artwork appealing.

The most famous and popular Tarot deck of all, the Rider Waite Smith (RWS), is one I do recommend, but you may prefer the Sharman-Caselli deck, which has been specifically designed with the Tarot novice in mind.

tarot decks
Left row: Universal Waite Tarot, middle: Sharman Caselli Tarot, right: Crystal Tarot. Top row: Nine of Cups, middle: Seven of Pentacles, bottom: Eight of Wands

On the image here on the right you can see both decks together with the Crystal Tarot, on which the Minor Arcana cards are illustrated with just the symbol of the suits.

Which images do you find easier to connect with? And what different stories do they tell?

2. Describe the images

Yes, this requires you to actually LOOK at the image carefully and explore the scene. Give me your first impression: is it positive, neutral or negative?

Then tell me why. What do you see? What is happening?

Go into more detail. Are there any people in the card? What are they doing? How do they look?

Notice their body language. What is the landscape like? Can you see buildings, plants, animals?

Some cards are easier to read than others. Don’t be disheartened, if you draw a blank with some of them. You will learn to read them in time. Build your confidence by focusing on the easy cards first.

3. Be the person in the card

This is a fun yet insightful way to connect with the cards. Imitate the posture of the person in a card.

Stand with open arms just like the Fool, sit like the High Priestess, kneel like the woman in the Star image – will you take it as far as being naked? 🙂

You can personify the Hanged Man by doing a headstand, perhaps against a tree, or if that is too strenuous for you, lie down and lean your legs upright against a wall or a tree.

Replicate as much of the image as you can.

For example, stand by a field and look at the crops just like in the Seven of Pentacles. What goes through your mind? Harvest? Hard work? Reaping rewards? Sowing new seeds and a new cycle?

How do these postures make you feel?

Close your eyes and imagine the landscape of the card surrounding you. How does it affect your mood, dreams, ideas or imagination?

4. Connect each card with your own life experiences

The archetypal images of the Tarot live in all of us. For example, we have all been a Fool more than once in our lives, but that doesn’t necessarily mean in a bad way 🙂

the fool tarot of quotesThe Fool suggests amongst other things new beginnings. This is how some of my students associate the Fool with events in their lives:

“My first day at school. I can remember being so excited.”

“When I went backpacking to South America. I was naive when I started but so much wiser when I came back.”

“My first marriage. We were too young.”

“Starting my business. I didn’t have a clue, just jumped in, and it was quite a learning curve. But I loved it.”

All these statements are short, but they tell you so much more.

By linking the cards to your life, you will find it much easier to remember their meanings, because you connect them to feelings, lessons and advice you have experienced.

5. Start A Journal

When you start exploring your Tarot deck, make notes of your observations and new discoveries about the cards. Writing things down helps your memory, too.

Be a Fool today and start your Tarot Journal by downloading my Tarot freebies.

You can add your own pages as you continue to work with the cards, and over time you will create a unique Tarot reference book full of your personal wisdom and inspiration.

By signing up to my mailing list, you will also receive more freebies in the future and learn about exciting new journalling products available soon!

6. Play with the cards every day

Even if it’s only for five or ten minutes, spending time with your cards every day will help you learn the cards more quickly.

Pull a card on an evening and make a note of it. How does it reflect the events of the day you’ve had? Or what message does it offer you for the following day?

Even if you cannot think of anything, at least you are looking at the card, begin to memorise its image and associate it with its name. Soon you can picture the images in your head without having to look at them, e.g. you will know by heart what the Six of Wands looks like.

7. Card meanings can be found in the Name

The names of the Major Arcana images all trigger some associations you have stored in your head. Quite often, Tarot novices are not aware of them. They see the name written on the card but don’t take it further.

One of my students couldn’t make sense of the Hermit. So I asked: “What is a Hermit? What does a Hermit do?”

Her answer: “It’s someone, who lives on his own. Far away from civilisation.”

We have then talked about the archetypal Hermit personality, and how it fits into our modern lives and in readings.

So, what does an Emperor do? Well, I suppose he rules and makes decisions. And what does Justice mean? It makes me think about the law, and how we associate it with objectivity, truth and fairness.

As you can see, the names of the cards already tell you a lot about their meanings, so they are worthwhile exploring further.

8. Music and Quotes

Link individual cards with songs that relate to their meanings, e.g. Don’t fear the Reaper goes well with Death, or I’m not in Love reminds me of the Five of Cups.

Find your own favourite inspirational quotes for each card and record them in your journal. I started doing that a few years ago, and in the process began creating my Tarot of Quotes.

Last but not least, if you still feel stuck connecting with the cards, consider booking a brainstorming session with me via Skype. It’s great to talk, and you will already notice the benefits after just one call.

Or check out my transformational Discovery Tarot course to start your tarot journey.

Warmest wishes,



Ask the Right Questions

ask the right questionsWhen clients approach me for a reading, they are often tempted to ask questions like

When will I find new love?
When will I get a new job?
Does he still love me?
What does the future have in store for me?
Will my business be successful? etc…

Although I don’t rephrase questions and aim to answer them as best as possible, I also include some additional insight clients may not have thought about, which are meant to provide opportunities for personal development and growth.

It is important to ask the right questions, which put you in control and empower you. Strive to “know thyself” with the help of Tarot.

Through self-exploration you will find the answers within you rather than hoping to find them elsewhere.

“An empowered life begins with serious personal questions about oneself. Those answers bare the seeds of success.” 
– Steve MaraboliUnapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Here are some personal questions you can explore with the Tarot, which you can also adapt to a specific issue:

“Who am I?”
“What do I need?”
“How do I function best?”
“How can I achieve my dreams?”
“How can I fulfil my potential?”
“What are my strengths and weaknesses?”
“What is blocking me?”
“What do I need to pay attention to at this moment in time?”
“What do I have to give?”
“How can I help and support others?”
“What’s the next step I can take right now?”

Self-inquiries like these help you

  • stay true to your values and principles
  • pursue your dreams and desires
  • take responsibility and make the most of what life throws at you
  • recover from setbacks
  • grow through challenges and adversity
  • set and maintain healthy boundaries
  • learn from your mistakes
  • accept and embrace change with confidence and resilience
  • add value to others and the world around you

“At the end of the day, the questions we ask of ourselves determine the type of people that we will become.” Leo Babauta

The right question should encourage you to take action rather than sitting back waiting for something to happen or surrendering to fate.

The right question should also discourage you from regarding yourself as a victim, and instead inspire you to step into your power in order to heal from any negative experiences.

For more information on asking the right questions, you can also check out relevant posts here and on my journal blog.

Warmest wishes,


Five Effective One Card Readings

five effective one card readings
What can you see in the Chariot image? © 1990 US Games

If you are just beginning to get to know the Tarot, you may want to avoid the 10-card Celtic Cross spread and start off with simple yet effective one card readings.

Yes, pulling just one card from your deck can already tell you a hell of a lot about what is going on around you.

It can even tell you a bit about your personality, habits, strengths and weaknesses.

Here are five ways to read one Tarot card and get instant, meaningful messages:

1. Calculate your year card. It offers you some insight on the energies and overall theme that will be influencing you during the course of the year. Do the same for family and friends to get to know the cards and discover what might be in store for them over the year.

2. Calculate your personality card. This card will give you some ideas on your life lessons and purpose in this life; another great one-card reading to try on your family and friends.

3. Discover your persona card. Find out which court card is linked to your sun sign and explore your court card personality. This is a good way to acquaint yourself with the often tricky court cards, so make sure you also practice the persona card reading with plenty of people you know.

4. Do a daily one-card draw. You can either pull a card in the morning to see what may come up for you during the day, or you can pull one in the evening for the following day. Record them on a chart like this, and after a week analyse the cards drawn for more insight: Which suit has come up most? How many Major Arcana cards? How many court cards and which ones? How accurate have your interpretations been?

5. Do a weekly one-card draw. If you are too busy for a card-a-day, you can draw just one card for the week ahead to offer you some insight on the energies you can expect over the forthcoming days. Use this journaling sheet to record your interpretation and predictions you come up with.

For your daily and weekly draw you can also use my ebook  The Cosmic Faery Tarot Guidebook to help you with your readings until you are more confident with your interpretations.

The more you practice, the more messages and insight you will receive from just one card.

Take your time when you look at the image, and let its symbolism speak to you: what kind of landscape do you see? What colours? Any people? Are they happy, sad, angry, alone?

Learn to notice the little details, and over time you will find it easier to interpret the cards without the help of a book.

For a beginner, larger spreads can be confusing, and a one-card draw is the ideal starting point for simple yet insightful readings.

Warmest wishes,


How To Calculate Your Personality and Soul Card

Personality and Soul Cards TarotThe best way to learn the Tarot is by applying the cards to your life experiences, so you can connect with them in an insightful but also practical way.

Discover new aspects of your personality, character, strengths and weaknesses.

Explore your true purpose in life with the help of the cards.

You can identify your personality cards and build your own Tarot personality profile with the help of numerology.

Here you learn how to work out your personality and soul card:

Your personality card indicates what you have to learn in this lifetime. Your soul card shows your soul purpose in all lifetimes.

Both cards are found in the Major Arcana. Work them out as follows:

Your date of birth – e.g. 17-08-1932

17 + 8 + 1932 = 1957

1 + 9 + 5 + 7 = 22

In this case 22 represents The Fool (0), so the Fool is your personality card.

If your personality card is one of the two-digit trumps (10 – 22), you can add both together to determine your Soul card, e.g. 2 + 2 = 4

So in this example, The Fool is the personality card, and the Emperor (4) is the soul card.

If your birth date adds up to single digit number (2 – 9), then your personality card is also your soul card.

hermit emperor fool cosmic faery tarot
The Cosmic Faery Tarot Deck


Now that you’ve worked out your personality and soul card, place them next to each other and examine them carefully one at the time.

By describing each card, try and determine what each card means to you and your life, and what you can learn from their messages.

Do these cards reflect your character? What lessons do they teach you?

Remember, your personality card reflects your life lessons, and your soul card your soul purpose (inner wisdom, inner teacher, spiritual path).

My personality card is the Hermit. Check out the life lessons I have gained so far.

If you enjoy this kind of tarot self-exploration, check out my online tarot courses.

Warmest wishes,
