Exploring Your Persona Cards

Sharman Caselli Court Cards
Sharman-Caselli Tarot © 2005 Connections Book Publishing Ltd

The court cards in the Tarot represent personality types, and in a reading they can relate to people, energies or personality traits that need either to be applied to a certain situation or avoided.

If you use the Tarot to deepen your self-knowledge, you can explore your personality (and that of others) by identifying your persona card and its opposing shadow card.

First of all, find your persona card from the list below; this card relates to your sun sign:

Aries—Queen of Wands
Taurus—King of Pentacles
Gemini—Knight of Swords
Cancer—Queen of Cups
Leo—King of Wands
Virgo—Knight of Pentacles
Libra—Queen of Swords
Scorpio—King of Cups
Sagittarius—Knight of Wands
Capricorn—Queen of Pentacles
Aquarius—King of Swords
Pisces—Knight of Cups

The Pages are not included in this list, but if you feel more like a child-like Page rather than a Knight, Queen or King, then choose the Page of the suit that relates to your sun sign, e.g. if you are Gemini (Knight of Swords), you can choose the Page of Swords instead.

Next, identify your opposing card by taking the following two steps:

1. Select the opposite role of your persona card, e.g. if you are a King, select Page:

King – Page
Queen – Knight
Knight – Queen
Page – King

2. Select the opposite of your suit, e.g. if you are Cups, choose Wands:

Wands – Cup
Cups – Wands
Swords – Pentacles
Pentacles – Swords

So, for me this means that my persona card is the Knight of Cups (I’m Pisces), and my opposing shadow card is the Queen of Wands.

Your persona card relating to your sun sign reflects your outer personality and your strengths; personality traits you openly express and feel comfortable with.

Your shadow card on the other hand indicates hidden elements of your personality, weaknesses, and character traits and behaviours you prefer to keep hidden, are unconsciously suppressed, or may need to be developed.

In my case, the Knight of Cups reflects my introvert, dreamy and intuitive personality, and the Queen of Wands indicates a need to be more social, take action and feel more confident about my abilities.

Have you worked out your persona and shadow card? What do they teach you about yourself? 

Try this exercise with family members, colleagues and friends. This way you can explore and identify people’s strengths and weaknesses and develop good judgement of character over time.

Warmest wishes,


Transform your life this year:

starlight tarot astrology course self study
Learn more about Persona Cards in my Starlight Tarot Astrology course.



Author: Christiane

Tarot explorer~spiritual tour guide~tarot courses~creative tarot resources~Certified Happiness Coach~INFJ~Hufflepuff~star gazer~moon lover~at home amongst trees

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