The Cosmic Faery Tarot Deck

cosmic faery tarot deck
Watch the Cosmic Faery Tarot walkthrough on YouTube

The Cosmic Faery Tarot isn’t about whimsical fairies and other fantasy figures frolicking amidst flowers and trees; it’s about how I observe the world around me and the magick I see in the ordinary.

All photography is my own – images of my home, the area where I live and the places I have visited on my travels in the UK and Europe.

Look closely and see how the Tarot is reflected in the mundane, everyday objects and surroundings we take for granted or hardly notice.

The complete deck has been five years in the making, and now I am pleased to offer my creation, which consists of 79 cards (one bonus card, the Cosmic Cat).

cosmic faery tarot deck court cards
The Court Cards – You can view larger images and read all about them here.

The Cosmic Faery Tarot is based on the Tarot of Quotes, but I have decided to exclude the quotes and digitally enhance the images to make them brighter, sharper and clearer.

The magical images of the Cosmic Faery Tarot offer fresh perspectives on the cards and on how they can bring magic to your everyday life.

Each card is a gateway into your imagination and inner wisdom, illustrating your connection with the cosmos, ancient mysteries and the five elements earth, air, fire, water and spirit.

Size of the cards: 70 mm x 120 mm

Each deck is shrink-wrapped and comes in a white tuck box.

How to buy the Cosmic Faery Tarot:

*This deck is currently out of print as it’s being redesigned and updated. I’m plannng to republish the new Cosmic Spirit Tarot version by the end of 2025*

cosmic faery tarot printable mini deck
Free printable mini deck edition included with your purchase. You will receive it with the guidebook in your shipment confirmation email.

FREE Bonuses included with your purchase:

  • FREE Cosmic Faery Tarot guidebook (ebook) with detailed information on each card plus plenty of spreads and activities to connect with the Tarot intuitively (worth £15)
  • Printable mini edition of the Cosmic Faery Tarot, perfect for your tarot journal, creative journaling and to create your personal pocket-size deck for readings on the go

Buy the Cosmic Faery Tarot with the Cosmic Journaling Oracle:

cosmic faery tarotThe Cosmic Journaling Oracle has been designed to complement the Cosmic Faery Tarot deck.

Buy them together to save on postage (limited offer):

*This offer will be available again once both decks have been updated*

Terms & Conditions:

The deck will be printed on demand and once it has entered the production process, I can no longer stop the order from being sent. This means at this stage you can no longer cancel the order, and no refund is given. By placing an order, you confirm that you have understood and accept these terms & conditions.

Please don’t hesitate to leave questions, comments and feedback  about the Cosmic Faery Tarot in the box below. I will respond as soon as I can.

I’d love to hear from you!

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4 thoughts on “The Cosmic Faery Tarot Deck”

    1. Hi Tiffany, perhaps I will but not any time soon.

      While it was fun to embark on finding suitable quotes for each card at the beginning of this project back in 2012, I felt kind of over it when it was nearly completed five years later.

      There is also the issue of copyright with recent quotes, so I also didn’t want to burden myself dealing with legal issues.

      In the meantime, I have included quotes for each card in the guidebook, which comes for free with your deck purchase.

      Thanks for asking!


  1. I have been searching for your deck with quotes on it & so bummed to find out that they aren’t available for purchase! I would absolutely LOVE to have a deck like that & so would a few of my clients that I’ve just now shown!! Please reconsider printing them with quotes on them!! God bless you!!!

Thank you for leaving your comment. I will respond as soon as I can: