You Don’t Need To Reach For The Stars

no need to reach for the stars
Printable Divine Message Cards on Patreon

You don’t need to reach for the stars.

What if you are enough?

What if you are good enough and no longer need to self-improve?

What if you are happy right where you are now, and deep down you don’t want to go further, higher, faster?

It is perfectly okay not having the desire to climb up that career ladder and getting all stressed out along the way.

It’s okay not to live up to other people’s expectations and ideas of what success means.

You can be successful in your own little way that lights you up without pushing yourself more and more relentlessly.

It’s okay to quit a job and start over at the bottom of a new profession that is fun and exciting rather than giving you a burnout while chasing money and status.

What if all you can think of is to survive each day as it comes rather than entertaining some lofty ambitions?

That’s okay. Take your time to rest and heal. No need to feel shame for not contributing or being productive.

You are worthy of support as much as you give it to others.

No need to be better, richer or more beautiful.

My cat isn’t thinking about changing the colour of her fur to become more popular with other cats.


She is happily lying on the sofa practicing self-care, at ease with herself and enjoying the moment.

It is time to be at ease with yourself.

Rather than aiming higher, why not aim lower?

What is really important?

Reach for the stars surrounding you, the ones you perhaps undervalue, take for granted or simply don’t see.

Why not reach for health, nature, togetherness, contentment, exploration, and imagination rather than possessions and status.

And why not accept that sometimes it’s okay to be inadequate.

It’s okay to be not good enough, even though you tried your best at the time, it didn’t work out the way you wanted.

It happens, because you are human. Imperfect, fragile, a little bit messed up.

Forgive yourself.

Questions to explore:

  • Where are you trying too hard and why?
  • What/Who is draining your energy / self-worth?
  • What is not necessary?
  • Where does less give you more?

No longer reaching for the stars doesn’t mean stagnation. Adjusting your trajectory offers new challenges, rewards and growth.

What will be your new challenge while aiming lower, and how will you benefit?

Try this tarot spread:

aim lower tarot spread - you don't need to reach for the stars Warmest wishes,


tarot moon journal planner

Author: Christiane

Tarot explorer~spiritual tour guide~tarot courses~creative tarot resources~Certified Happiness Coach~INFJ~Hufflepuff~star gazer~moon lover~at home amongst trees

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