Independence – The Joy of Being Alone

One of the harsh lessons the pandemic has taught us is that learning to embrace being alone contributes to our wellbeing and resilience.

When you begin to discover the joy of being alone, magical things start to happen:

1. You become more creative

Being on your own means that you have to fill your time with interesting activities.

2. You are getting out of your comfort zone

Don’t want to be home alone? You decide to go to a cafe or go on holiday anyway. You learn there is no point in missing out only because you don’t have someone else joining you.

3. You can relax and recharge

There is no need to compromise, keeping other people happy, and you have the big bed all for yourself.

4. You get to know yourself

Reflect on your needs and aspirations, your strengths and weaknesses and give yourself the space to fall in love with yourself.

5. You learn to enjoy your own company

When you focus on the positive aspects of being alone, you begin to thrive and enjoy life.

6. You no longer feel lonely

Being alone doesn’t mean you are lonely. You know that you can reach out to people and cultivate a small circle of true friends to connect with.

7. You can be yourself

No need to apologise for not meeting someone else’s expectations, or seek approval by how you look, what you wear, or even how much you fulfil the other person’s needs.

8. You have the chance to fulfil your dreams

Relationships can be stifling, and it is easy to get stuck in routines.

Being on your own helps to be more mindful about exploring and pursuing your goals and dreams.

You can be more adventurous without having to explain yourself.

9. You feel you are in charge of your life

You have control over your finances, work, where you want to live, your sex life, travel destinations, and the company you want to keep and when.

10. You no longer are desperate to be in a relationship

This is one of the most magical effects. So many people embark on a new relationship only because they don’t want to be alone.

They stay in the wrong relationship, because they are scared of feeling lonely, if they leave.

Being at ease in your own company, being your own best friend means that you no longer engage in or put up with drama. You become discerning and choose your company wisely.

Once we have discovered the joy of being alone, we no longer get caught up in making bad decisions about relationships. We no longer neglect friendships for the sake of a relationship.

It is time to shed the idea that being alone – as opposed to being in a relationship – is a weakness or even tragedy in one’s life.

The true tragedy is not being able to be alone, unable to be solitary and enjoying it, not knowing that you are enough.

It is time to embrace being alone – alonement – as a gift to live a fulfilled life.

Warmest wishes,


⭐gET INspIrEd⭐

A movie that recently moved me: Portrait of a Lady on Fire – it brought tears to my eyes not because it was sad, but because it was so incredibly beautiful and emotionally powerful

A book I’m currently hooked on: The Subtle Art of not Giving a F*ck – witty, entertaining, and so incredibly wise. Life-changing stuff

My latest Musical Muse: Wanderlust – my personal song collection on Spotify for day-dreams and mind-travel

Healthy Habits: Empowering Morning Affirmations

healthy habits empowering morning affirmations
How are you feeling today? Powerful Me Oracle

Life has been messy for many people since the pandemic and various lockdown measures began to restrict all our lives.

And while we are all trying to hang in there and make the best of a bad situation, mental health issues have started to creep up on us, mostly in the form of anxiety, stress and depression.

Lack of energy, tearfulness, overwhelm, aches and pains, constantly worrying… one way to stay focused on our wellbeing is cultivating a positive mindset.

Affirmations are underrated yet they do work if used regularly.

Positive self-talk every day can help increase confidence and optimism, so here are empowering morning affirmations you can use to start the day in a better frame of mind:

Today will be a great day.
I am excited about how today will unfold.
I savour each moment.
I am positive. I am powerful.
I trust my own wisdom.
I take good care of myself.
I am in control of my attitude and thoughts.
I live by my sacred values.
I communicate with love and integrity.
I persevere despite difficulties.
I am strong.
I am comfortable being on my own.
I accept what life offers me today.
My heart and mind are in alignment.
I let go of what stops me from living life fully and joyfully.
I choose life.
I am doing the best I can.
I stay clear of destructive habits.
I feel energised.
I am shining my light.
I am present.
I am rising above my worries and fears.
I am enough.
I am right where I need to be.
I am open to all possibilities.

Create a new healthy habit by turning these affirmations into your daily morning meditation to feel more positive and energised at the start of your day.

You can also grab the printable version on my Patreon.

For even more affirmations, check out my tarot affirmations to overcome anxiety.

Warmest wishes,


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Meditating with a Wandering Mind

meditating with a wandering mind
Scroll down to listen to Wandering Mind Meditation on Soundcloud

Meditation is often seen as sitting in the lotus position with your eyes closed and all those pesky thoughts in your head blissfully silenced.

However, many people are meditating with a wandering mind, unable to switch off intrusive thoughts.

First of all, as long as you feel comfortable, you can meditate in whatever position you choose – on a chair, on your sofa, in your bed, on the grass….

Next, we all know it is so much harder trying to suppress or avoid something. In fact, you can make it worse the harder you try.

For example, if I asked you to look around the room you are in now and NOT look at anything that is red, I bet you WILL look at everything that is red.

And if I asked you NOT to blink, yes, you guessed it, you WILL blink.

So, what to do about those annoying thoughts you can’t silence during meditation?

The answer is simple: accept them. Let them be. Don’t judge them or yourself.

And while you are meditating with a wandering mind, focus on your breathing and let those thoughts come and go.

If you are listening to a guided meditation, don’t be irritated by any unwanted thoughts creeping in.

It’s normal.

Silencing your monkey mind takes practice. After all, sitting there doing and thinking nothing is not as easy as everyone thinks 🙂

You can also try chanting mantras, if you are meditating on your own.

You will find, however, that despite your thoughts getting in the way at times, your meditation will have given you space and a break from rushing around.

The reality of meditation is being present in that moment, observing your breath, your senses, your body and even your random thoughts without judgement.

And while you keep practicing meditation, surrender to what is while gently offering your mind an alternative direction.

The more you practice, the easier it will become, but it will benefit you right from the start.

Need a guided audio meditation? Check out my Meditation for the Wandering Mind ?

Warmest wishes,


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Emotional Healing with the Pisces Full Moon

emotional healing with the pisces full moon

There is always something mystical about the full moon – its illumination, intense energy and impact it has on our feelings and emotions.

The Pisces full moon is just around the corner and has already gifted me with some psychedelic dreams 🙂

But weird dreams are a sign of something more magical – the full moon’s power to supercharge our intuitive, psychic and artistic abilities.

Even more so, tuning into the Pisces full moon energy can help us recognise and free ourselves from emotional blocks and self-limitations.

So, let it all come out, feel what you feel, sit with it and observe it without judgement. It’s all part of emotional healing.

In practical terms

  • if in doubt, trust your gut
  • be mindful that emotions may become more intense, which can be confusing
  • express your feelings without shame (crying is a good stress reliever)
  • pay attention to your dreams
  • meditate to open your third eye
  • get creative (write, draw, make)
  • apologize sincerely to someone you hurt in the past
  • connect with your spirit guides or any cosmic forces you want to connect with
  • practice calming yoga poses (e.g. child’s pose, shavasana, lotus)

You can access full guidance with a snapshot spread and journaling prompts in the Cosmic Spirit Sanctuary on Patreon.

While the Pisces full moon can assist with emotional healing, please remember that there is no miracle cure happening overnight.

Emotional healing is a process, and during the upcoming lunation we have the chance to move this process forward, to progress on our journey.

How can the Tarot assist you on your healing journey?

Check out this wonderful article I have recently discovered – Tarot and Astrology are recognised to be beneficial for mental health and as a result used more widely in mainstream therapeutic settings.

That’s why in my work I focus on teaching the Tarot and how you can apply this magical tool in everyday life to nurture your mental wellbeing in an empowering way.

For regular guidance and online support, please do check out my very affordable membership options.

Warmest wishes,


Join my Patreon for monthly moon guidance and more….

Overcoming Overwhelm and Mental Blocks

overcoming overwhelm and mental blocks

Feelings of overwhelm and mental blocks can come up at any time.

Sometimes they are triggered by a situation or event. In my case it was a cold with flu symptoms just after Christmas that has thrown me off course.

I took time off work keeping warm in the house with nice food, books, herbal teas and TV entertainment.

I started feeling better by the new year, but there was a persistent fog in my brain that was pretty hard to shift.

So I decided that fresh air would be in order, and the pics above are from my New Year’s walk with my love in the local park.

Even though I still had the sniffles, it was such a fantastic day dreaming and looking forward to the year ahead.

But still, my head was filled with all sorts of stuff, from creative ideas and mundane life things that needed to be done right through to worries about Brexit (I’m an EU citizen living in the UK, and a no deal would be disastrous), which I’d been trying very hard to ignore…

So, I’ve felt a bit overwhelmed with everything I need to get on with and life in general, and when that happens, my midlife brain can no longer cope and begins to scatter 🙂

BUT….I do have some techniques to help me cope and overcome this unfortunate phase, which is thankfully slowly beginning to wane.

1. Breathe…take a deep breath and start at the beginning. Rather than looking at my long to-do list and long-term goals, I do something small each day that I can cope with and complete.

It’s like putting those jigsaw puzzle pieces together one-by-one to create the whole picture.

2. Distract….Worrying can make the situation even worse, so it’s best to accept the current state and switch off with a great book, inspiring magazine, movie or TV program helps to focus my mind on something completely different.

It gives my brain not only a well earned break but is also kickstarting new ideas.

3. Enjoy….doing an activity that makes you happy. Over the last two days I tidied and decluttered my home filling four bags of stuff going to charity. And I’m not done yet! 

4. Overhaul my diet…Over recent months I’ve been reducing my meat intake down to just once a week. I love vegetarian/vegan food and discovered new recipes and ingredients. I love sweet potato burgers!

If we all cut down on our meat intake to just once a week, that would reduce greenhouse gases by a lot.

5. Reduce my plastic consumption…since we were made aware of the huge plastic island in the Pacific and microplastics in marine life and food chain, I’m getting more conscious about the amount of plastic coming into my life.

For example, liquid soap in plastic bottles (I’m now using more soap bars), food in plastic containers. Wherever possible, I choose glass bottles or no packaging at all. I’ve been using my own reusable shopping bags for years.

6. Saying NO… Less is more in terms of work commitments and projects. I only say YES to what makes me happy and fulfils me. I have chosen not to feel obliged to fulfil other people’s expectations or demands.

7. Fresh air…yes, more of it! It’s something I haven’t had enough of recently. That new year’s walk in the park was like therapy. I want more of that, so I’m out again tomorrow.

8. Journaling….I so love writing, even if it’s just a sentence, a pic, doodle or making a note of a fab quote I’ve come across on social media.

creative journaling

For that purpose, I’m using the creative printables I’ve designed, which you can grab here.

Yes, it can be unsettling when overwhelm and mental blocks dominate your life, but eventually by not giving yourself a hard time over it, life will also take you back into the flow.

Last but not least, try this tarot spread/ journaling prompt ideal for overhauling old and dusty habits:

Warmest wishes,


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