If you are feeling a little rudderless and wonder where to go from here or if you’re on the right track, then it can be helpful finding direction in your life with the Tarot.
Autumn is Hermit season (he’s linked to Virgo), and at this time of year questions about purpose, progress and direction often pop up in people’s minds.
First, contemplate the symbolism of the Hermit.
He’s reached the top of the mountain (the one that is in the background of the Fool), and with his lamp illuminating the way he is trying to find a path down the mountain on the other side.
The top of the mountain represents the current situation, a milestone, where he is right now in his life. What next?
In practical terms, this can relate to a job, relationship or lifestyle choice you are thinking about.
Try the following spread to explore your current path, a path that is open to you or the path you wish to take:
Path – Obstacle – Growth
Example – a relationship situation:

The Seven of Swords as the current Path suggests something being hidden, which needs to be revealed, or at one point the truth will come out. There’s a need to be open and honest, with yourself and the other person.
The Knight of Swords as the Obstacle suggests cruel words, accusations, quick judgement, but also brutal honesty, which can clear the air but can be hurtful.
Avoid nastiness and words you may regret later. Be kinder than you want to be.
The Three of Pentacles as Growth indicates the possibility of reconciliation and rebuilding of this relationship in a healthier and more sustainable way.
Lessons learned include a greater mutual understanding, building trust with honesty and supporting each other.
Support may also come from a third party, like a family member, friend or counsellor.
Here’s another spread to explore your current situation and new direction:
Where I am now – Where I want to be – Action to take
Here are some spreads that help you make choices:
Choice a – Choice B – What you need to know to decide
You may even have the choice between three options, so add Choice C if necessary.
Heart – Mind – Balance
Torn between head and heart? This can relate to a career change for example. How can you balance your conflicting thoughts and feelings?
What I want – What I need

What you want is not always what you need right now.
The Sun suggests the desire for happiness, but the Three of Swords may indicate that you need to work through some unresolved grief first.
And if there is no grief in your life, why are you not happy? It’s your choice.
Here are some journaling prompts that can help you find purpose and direction:

- What gives me joy?
- Where do I need to be patient (or have been patient for too long)?
- What do I need to release?
- What do I want to walk away from?
Wait and See
Sometimes it is counter-productive to think too much or putting pressure on yourself.
It is actually okay to float for a while and let answers come to you while searching for some inspiration (another Hermit hobby ?)
Here are some cards that indicate the need to be still, to contemplate, to surrender to the present, to wait and see:

The High Priestess: The mother of wait and see. Silence is golden. Be still and listen. Sit back and observe.
Two of Swords: Caught between a rock and a hard stone; trying to balance heart and mind. There is no harm taking your time. Procrastination can lead to a situation resolving itself or a decision is made for you.
Four of Swords: Take time out from over-thinking. Just rest. Before you can make any kind of decision or gain clarity about what to do next, you need to unplug from the overwhelm for a while.
The Hanged Man: my year card in 2012, and it took me a whole year to start moving again. At one point you just have to surrender, bend rather than break. It’s not always down to you, so go with the flow. In your own time.
Seven of Pentacles: a choice between something established and something new. The new is still a seed and needs more attention before you can see its true potential, so be patient and let it grow while you still nurture what you have. And that new seed may never grow into anything. Time will tell.
Seven of Cups: a castle in the sky, which needs a solid foundation. Daydreaming about beautiful possibilities is fun, sometimes it’s all you need. Sometimes you don’t need to turn a dream into reality, as long as it makes you feel happy and inspired.
Finding direction with the Tarot is a fun and insightful way to reorganise conflicting thoughts and gain some clarity before you take the next step on your journey.
Want to learn more? Need guidance and personal support? Then check out, how you can work with me.
Warmest wishes,