The Nines in the Tarot of Quotes

nine of wands tarot of quotesFollowing on from the energetic Eights, the Nines in the Tarot mark the completion of a cycle – fulfilment, conclusion, integration and attainment.

Linked to the nine months of pregnancy it also symbolises gestation.

We have reached a peak, and now it is time to consider a new path to avoid stagnation as indicated by the Hermit (card 9 in the Major Arcana).

There is a sense of aloneness in all the Nines in the Tarot indicating a need to be self-reliant and take sole responsibility for our situation.

The Nines reflect experience. We have come a long way. How did we get here? A good question to ask, when the Nines show up in a reading.

By evaluating and reflecting on past actions, we can gain an understanding why we are in the situation as depicted by these cards and choose which path to take next.

Numerically, the number Nine is linked to 18 (1 + 8), The Moon, which can indicate confusion and insecurities often on an emotional level.

Nine of Wands –endurance, exhaustion, threat, protection

Esoteric Title: The Lord of Great Strength

Astrological Attribution: Moon in Sagittarius – rest from strife, yet feeling restless and weary; insecure, flexible, strong, power of cyclical forces

Interpretation: battered and bruised, but still standing; careful, guarded, cautious, watchful. Suspicious and distrustful. Safe.

Image symbolism:

Castle wall – protection, secure base, boundary

Dog figure with shield – watchman, guard, protection, prepared for the unexpected, defence

Waning moon – a cycle ending, consolidation

Yellow / orange colours – fiery energy

Bushes – blocking view, obscurity, hidden dangers / obstacles

nine of cups tarot of quotes

Nine of Cups – pleasure, satisfaction, sensuality, happy times, indulgence

Esoteric Title: The Lord of Material Happiness

Astrological Attribution: Jupiter in Pisces – higher purpose, gratitude, emotional growth, spiritual love, benevolence

Interpretation: enjoying the simple pleasures, wishes fulfilled; lucky in love, being content, emotional and spiritual nourishment and abundance, manifesting dreams

Image symbolism:

Laughing buddha – happiness

Blue cup filled with stars – positive feelings and emotions

Red rose – passion, love

nine of swords tarot of quotes

Nine of Swords –worries, anxiety, panic, loneliness, guilt, nightmares

Esoteric Title: The Lord of Despair and Cruelty

Astrological Attribution: Mars in Gemini – destructive forces of the mind; cruel words, negative self-talk

Interpretation: negative thinking, irrational fears clouding sound judgement, sleepless nights, self-torment, need to confront issues head-on to dissolve anguish; dark night of the soul, sense of hopelessness

Image symbolism:

Ugly creature – negative thoughts and fears personified; they affect outer persona and appearance

Crystal ball – focus on clear thinking

Grey-green colour – bleakness, lack of inspiration

nine of pentacles tarot of quotes

Nine of Pentacles -abundance, harvest, reward, status, independence

Esoteric Title: The Lord of Material Gain

Astrological Attribution: Venus in Virgo – enjoying the fruits of labour, success and abundance achieved through diligence and efficient planning

Interpretation: enjoying the good life, luxuries, plenty, affluence, self-sufficiency, outer and inner wealth, gratitude

Image symbolism:

Manor house – wealth, status, security

Luscious garden – rich harvest, fecundity, growth

Large trees – maturity, long-term, patience

Red rose – Venus, beauty, solitude, self-reliance

You can view all images of the Tarot of Quotes in the Gallery.

The Cosmic Faery Tarot Guidebook  is now available, which also includes empowering messages, spreads and journaling promps as well as a printable mini edition of the Cosmic Faery Tarot.

Warmest wishes,


Author: Christiane

Tarot explorer~spiritual tour guide~tarot courses~creative tarot resources~Certified Happiness Coach~INFJ~Hufflepuff~star gazer~moon lover~at home amongst trees

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