The Eights in the Tarot of Quotes

the eights in the tarot

After the Sevens, we are now experiencing a sense of revival with the Eights in the Tarot.

In numerology, Eight is the number of regeneration and renewal, linked to the (eight-pointed) Star, number 17 of the Major Arcana.

Eight also represents cosmic balance.

On its side, the shape of this number becomes the lemniscate, a symbol for the eternal balancing of opposites, which can be found above the heads of the Magician and Strength in the Rider Waite Smith Tarot.

And on the Wheel of Fortune, the eight-spoke wheel reflects the perpetual balancing act symbolised by this number.

The hourglass shape of this number symbolises the passing of time.

After having sorted through the options available in the Sevens, decisions are being made about what to keep and what to release.

Flux and movement is a common theme of the eights in the tarot together with energy, thrust, evolution, restriction, persistence, resilience, expansion.

Priorities are set, and a new order is being established.

Eight of Wands – action, movement, change, initiative, energy

Esoteric Title: The Lord of Swiftness

Astrological Attribution: Mercury in Sagittarius – quick thinking and acting, swiftness, travel, excitement, adventure, rapid communication

Interpretation: finger on the pulse, living in the fast lane, creative overdrive, bright ideas, volatility, electricity, information overload, flux, momentum

Image symbolism:

Rollercoaster – the ups and downs of life, excitement, risks, intensity

Red, orange, yellow colours – fire energy

eight of cups tarot of quotes

Eight of Cups – moving on, resignation, quest, uncertainty, insecurity, sadness

Esoteric Title: The Lord of Abandoned Success

Astrological Attribution: Saturn in Pisces – Leaving comfort zone behind, outgrown an established situation, feeling restricted or tied down, embracing change, following your heart

Interpretation: a comfortable situation has become stale and sluggish; in need of a fresh perspective; abandonment; letting go, detachment, sombre mood

Image symbolism:

Waning moon – ending

Path in front – new direction

Lake – water, feelings

Red/white roses – mixed emotions, alchemy, balancing emotions

Horizon – new possibilities

eight of swords tarot of quotesEight of Swords – restrictions, crisis, isolation, suppression, helplessness, indecision

Esoteric Title: The Lord of Shortened Force

Astrological Attribution: Jupiter in Gemini – recognising self-restrictions, need for change and expansion, making conscious choices to create movement; restlessness, communication

Interpretation: obstacles, limitations, narrow-mindedness, victim mentality, entrapment, feeling trapped, helplessness, need to sharpen the mind and will to overcome obstructions

Image symbolism:

Surrounded by walls – restriction, limited view

Sky, windows – way out, possible solutions

Night time – lack of vision

eight of pentacles tarot of quotesEight of Pentacles -eagerness, mastery, development, effort, productivity, quality

Esoteric Title: The Lord of Prudence

Astrological Attribution: Sun in Virgo – growing and nurturing skills; quality work, working towards perfection, paying attention to detail

Interpretation: continuous effort, discipline and perseverance, regular investment, aptitude, tenacity, industrious, practice makes perfect

Image symbolism:

Washing hanging to dry – waiting for investments to mature, reaping the harvest, repetitive work

Stars leading up – moving up on career ladder, self-improvement, advance

You can view all images of the Tarot of Quotes in the Gallery.

The Cosmic Faery Tarot Guidebook  is now available to download, which also includes a printable mini edition of the Cosmic Faery Tarot.

Warmest wishes,


Author: Christiane

Tarot explorer~spiritual tour guide~tarot courses~creative tarot resources~Certified Happiness Coach~INFJ~Hufflepuff~star gazer~moon lover~at home amongst trees

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