Creative Autumn Journaling with the Tarot

Creative Autumn Journaling with the Tarot

Autumn is my favourite season, which probably explains why I’ve been writing about it so often, combining creative autumn journaling with the Tarot.

Now that Autumn is approaching yet again, I thought I’d share with you a compilation of my best bits, which are dotted around on this website.

If you would like to immerse yourself into some serious autumn journaling, then check out the following links:

? Autumn Equinox – Embracing the Dark Season

Autumnal musings with a 3-card tarot spread

? Creative Journaling in Autumn

Lots of ideas and a printable freebie

? 22 Equinox Journaling Prompts to Balance your Life

My popular Equinox divination tarot game, which you can use not just in autumn but also in spring

? The Autumn Divination Kit

I’m so proud of this magical kit. Loads of autumn journaling activities and printables including an oracle deck and healing cards. Don’t miss the 20% discount I offer on Patreon

? Finding Direction in your Life with the Tarot

Autumn is Hermit season…insightful spreads to help you choose your path ahead

Enjoy your Autumn explorations ⭐

Warmest wishes,


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Creative Journaling in Autumn

Cards: Cosmic Faery Tarot and Cosmic Journaling Oracle

The Hermit is the messenger of autumn.

Linked to Virgo, he has made preparations over the last four weeks to retreat into his cave for reflection, contemplation, learning and taking stock.

When he hands over the baton to Justice (Libra) over the next few days, energies will shift towards balance and truth.

It’s that time of year when we slowly become aware of what works and what needs to be released.

We need to be honest with ourselves and make some tough choices.

But nature in its glory shows us with fiery colours that it can be beautiful to let go despite the sadness associated with it.

Autumn is a great time to delve deeper into your spiritual practice.

Creative journaling using tarot and oracle cards can help make sense of life’s ups and downs, put your thoughts in order and help you heal.

If you don’t know where to start, check out my workbook Tarot for All Seasons. You will find some autumnal spreads together with some funky journaling sheets:

harvest tarot spread

Another little project you can embark on is making your own oracle deck.

The digital edition of the Cosmic Journaling Oracle allows you not only to create your own unique deck with the images provided, but you will also learn how you can use them for creative journaling and paper crafting.

Take a peek inside the workbook and see what it offers you:

Last but not least, here’s a gift for your A4 journal – a seasonal front cover, which can also be used as a divider within your journal. You can customise it with the title of your choice:

Autumn Cover / Divider (PDF)

And there are more magickal things you can do at this time of year, which I have listed in a previous post.



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Autumn Equinox – Embracing The Dark Season

autumn equinox oracle cardA friend of mine told me recently that she found the transition from summer to autumn hard.

The falling leaves make her feel depressed, and she was dreading the unavoidable approach of the long cold winter months ahead.

To a certain degree I understand her sentiment, but once you consciously decide to tune in and embrace the light and dark of all the seasons, you discover the magick and beauty of each one of them.

Just like the trees shed their leaves in the autumn, so can we shed old stuff that is holding us back.

The shedding of leaves is preparation for new life and growth in spring, and we can do the same in order to pave the way for new experiences and growth.

Today is Virgo’s (the Hermit) last day in the sun until Libra (Justice) takes over tomorrow.

Over the last four weeks, the energy of the Hermit has encouraged us to go inwards, reflect and explore what new skills to learn, new knowledge we can acquire and how we can turn it into wisdom that will serve us and others well in time to come.

The New Moon in Libra tomorrow invokes the energies of Justice, encouraging us to create and appreciate harmony in life, especially in relationships, including friendships that need building and nurturing.

So there is much we can do, and the approaching darkness will help us focus on what we need to do including planning and implementing.

Perhaps today at the time of the Autumn Equinox, or over the coming weeks until Samhain, you may want to consult the Tarot to explore some of the following questions to help you gain focus and direction:

1.What is holding me back right now that I need to let go of?

At this time of year with the energies of Libra/Justice, explore your options rather than making a decision. It’s about weighing up the pros and cons, so you can make your final decision by Samhain (31 October).

2. What new skills do I need to learn to help me reach my goals?

Depending on the card/s you draw, these could relate to

  • leadership and creativity (fire, wands),
  • emotions and relationships (water, cups),
  • mental challenges and conflict resolving (air, swords), or
  • hands-on practical skills and money management (earth, pentacles)

3. What can I do to strengthen my relationships with people that are important to me?

Remember that important people in your life are not restricted to your partner or close family, but also extended family, friends, co-workers, professional networks… Explore how you can build bridges, overcome conflict, encourage solidarity and teamwork, bring people closer together etc.

And here are a few other practical ideas to get you started:

  • make a to-do list
  • declutter your bookshelf to make room for new knowledge
  • network with people and see what you can do for them
  • when it comes to friendships, it’s not about quantity but quality. Only two genuine friends are worth more than a large bunch of acquaintances, who don’t care about you.
  • get your finances in order
  • avoid drama and the people creating it
  • enrol on a course

Wishing you a Happy Equinox and a magickal autumn season ahead.

Warmest wishes,


The Autumn Divination Kit