What do you do when the world is on Lockdown, and you’re only allowed one trip to the shop a week and an hour a day of outdoor exercise in a public place?
I started creating some oracle cards just for fun, and slowly they evolved into a colourful set of empowering prompts, which happen to reflect the challenging times we are all currently experiencing.
And hey presto, the Powerful Me Oracle deck was born.
This deck is exclusively available on my Patreon in digital format only.
Each month I will post 4 postcards and 9 oracle cards (see pic above) until a minimum of 36 cards have been created.
If you would like to start collecting the Powerful Me Oracle cards and bonus postcards, join my Patreon today.
You will need to select the Study tier at $3.33 in order to access the oracle cards, and they will only be available at this tier for one month only or until the new set of 9 oracle cards is being published.
First set of postcards and oracle card available on Patreon
Now is the perfect time to get creative and print your own oracle deck and fabulous greeting cards.
Use them for your journal, altar or sacred space – print them as a gift, send a postcard to a friend or loved one as an encouraging message…
Simply print on photo quality paper and cut to size with a craft knife and metal ruler.
Join my Patreon to start collecting the Powerful Me Oracle today and tons more tarot and journaling resources and printables.
A milestone has been reached in the development of my own Tarot deck. It started off as the Tarot of Quotes and evolved into the Cosmic Faery Tarot.
The Major Arcana special edition with two bonus cards is no longer available, but you can now purchase the Cosmic Faery Tarot, which includes the Cosmic Cat.
The Cosmic Cat
This card depicts my little familiar of 14 years, who now resides in the spirit world.
I adopted Mondy when she was five years old, and she died at the age of 19, a ripe old age for a cat, which makes me believe that she felt content living her life with me and my family.
After all this time with her, I still sometimes see her from the corner of my eye in the house or in the garden at her favourite spots (where she is also buried), and I know that she is still around.
When this card comes up in a reading, it indicates that a loved one (person or pet), who has passed on, is still watching over you.
They may want you to know something important, so you can pull an extra card to see what message they want to convey.
The Cosmic Cat may also represent your spirit guide or guardian angel, so do pay attention to what they are trying to say to you.
The Happy Bunny (no longer available)
Whatever challenges or strife you are currently battling with, the Happy Bunny indicates that all will be well in the end.
Despite your worries, fears and insecurities, don’t forget to enjoy the little and simple things around you that can lift your spirits even in the darkest of times.
Life can be short, the future is unknown, so make the most of what you have in the present.
The Happy Bunny may also ask you to be vigilant. Protect yourself by not being too trusting and apply some healthy scepticism. You will be okay as long as you keep your eyes open to any harm that may just lurk around the corner.
I hope you enjoy using these two additional cards in your readings. Please do feel free to add your own interpretations to these cards.
For more information on the deck and to buy, please click here.
From personal experience, most of the creators of these decks don’t mind, if you promote their artwork on your professional website and social media in reviews, sample spreads, free tutorials etc.
Please make sure that you always include accreditation, and if you want to use any images or cards for branding or paid products and services, you must ask for permission first.
1. Dame Darcy’s Mermaid Tarot
Dame Darcy’s Mermaid Tarot
A fun and somewhat kinky mermaids and sailors themed deck. The new 3rd edition has been given an overhaul with some updated images and a bleed-free border.
Kim Krans’s creation has become quite a hit, and the images are incredibly popular on Instagram. Post a pic of a sample reading with the #wildunknown, and you’ll get loads of likes.
The Wild Unknown Tarot started off as a self-published deck, but now it’s available at Amazon and the Book Depository.
3. Prisma Visions Tarot
Prisma Visions Tarot
The style of this borderless deck is surreal and a mesmerising combination of light and dark. Each image looks like a mosaic. When you lay the cards of each suit in numerical order in a row, they form a large picture.
Roxi Sim’s vibrant deck is full of detail and symbolism. The Fool on the image above is from the 1st edition, but the latest 3rd edition is borderless. It is available to buy at the Gamecrafter.
6. The Fountain Tarot
The Fountain Tarot
A contemporary deck with geometric lines and cool water colours. It comes with a silver edging, which sadly makes the cards stick and hard to shuffle, but this will improve the more you use it. Visit fountaintarot.com.
7. The King’s Journey Tarot
The King’s Journey Tarot
This 94-card deck consists of the standard tarot cards together with two extra Major Arcana cards and a spirit suit.
An old favourite of mine, I like Robert Place’s clean and no nonsense artwork full of magickal symbolism. You can buy the deck at robertplacetarot.com.
The following decks are on my wishlist and will be bought as soon as I’ve sold some of the tarot books and decks I no longer need:
9. The Starchild Tarot
I’m a sucker for anything starseed and cosmic, and I’m still saving up for this beauty, which will probably be one of the most expensive decks I’ve ever bought (including the premium shipping charge from Canada and possibly UK customs charge on top). I haven’t got an image, so you just have to trust me and go straight to the Starchild website.
10. Tarot of the Holy Light
A colourful, esoteric deck based on European mystery teachings. Created by Christine Payne-Towler and Michael Dowers, the artwork is distinctively late renaissance, similar to the Swiss 1JJ Tarot. Learn more about the deck at Tarot University.
If you are a professional Tarot reader hosting your own website, then you are probably aware of the usual copyright and fair use regulations, which you need to adhere to, so you won’t find yourself getting sued.
However, you might not be aware that most of the mainstream publishers of tarot and oracle decks, such as US Games, Lo Scarabeo and Llewellyn, expect you to pay them a licence fee, if you are monetising your blog, i.e. charging for readings or getting paid for other products and services.
This is important for you to bear in mind, if you regularly blog about decks (reviews, unboxing videos etc.), demonstrating spreads, posting tutorials or simply just post an image on your Instagram.
Perhaps you are thinking that this is covered under the fair use policy, but you need to realise that this is open to interpretation, especially if you are a professional using your website as your business hub.
Before you get yourself into a tangle and wonder, if you are a copyright criminal by posting a card of the day, here’s something very simple you can do:
Avoid posting mainstream tarot images on your blog and social media.
Personally, I have just quit this voluntary marketing position I held with the mainstream publishers for years promoting their decks, while all I get in return is threats of court action, because I am making a living as a Tarot reader.
I am sick of arrogant publishers, who defend their copyright very aggressively, antagonising their customers (a lot of them professional tarot readers!) along the way.
The solution is beautifully simple:
Collaborate with self-published artists, who love the opportunity to have their decks promoted while their images enhance and prettify your blog posts.
I don’t need to go into detail about how tarot blogs and social media have led to a considerable increase in deck sales, yet these publishers want us to pay for “product placements”.
What the big publishers seem to forget:
Professional readers, who have been in the business for years, run well-known blogs and have a big subscriber list, are influencers.
How many tarot or oracle decks have you bought, which were recommended by your favourite blogs or Facebook pages?
Here’s an idea:
It is time for Tarot readers to demand payment from the publishers to feature their decks on their websites.
After all, it’s advertising!
If publishers wanted to run a TV commercial, they’d have to pay for it, so if I did a YouTube video review about one of their decks and demonstrate how well it works in a reading, then I want to get paid for it, too
Perhaps you think I’m crazy, but as you know we sometimes need to let go of outdated attitudes and beliefs, the traditional thought process that says “it’s always been this way”.
To be honest, payment for me doesn’t necessarily mean money; a little gratitude would be enough, and – lo and behold! – a surprise gesture of a free tarot deck as a token of appreciation would send me over the moon.
But no, instead I have court action threats looming over my head in the form of the publishers’ “terms”. Not nice!
Heck, I don’t need to promote their decks. Instead I collaborate with people, who value my support and in return support me – win / win !
So, ditch those mainstream decks from your blog and start supporting self-published indie artists.
In my next post, I will introduce you to my Top 10 self-published tarot decks I love using on my website and social media.
Slowly but surely I’m adding the decks on my wishlist to my collection, and the Tarot of the Zirkus Mägi is my latest acquisition.
This vintage / retro style deck exploring a bygone world of travelling entertainment is fun, fascinating and a little creepy.
The Major Arcana cards are unnumbered, so whether you follow the RWS or Thoth tradition, the sequence – especially regarding Adjustment (Justice) and La Force (Strength) – is up to you.
A lot of Major Arcana cards are renamed to fit the circus theme, such as The Clown (Fool) and The Ringmaster (Emperor).
Other card names follow the Thoth tradition, such as Art (Temperance) and The Aeon (Judgement).
The pip cards all have keywords at the bottom, some of which are obvious and others you may have to think about. Here are some examples:
Ace of Batons – Inspiration
Three of Batons – Arrival
Five of Buckets – Regret
Ten of Buckets – Straw House
Three of Blades – Heartache
Seven of Blades – Audacity
Six of Rings – Patronage
Eight of Rings – Transformation
If you would like to see all the cards of the Tarot of the Zirkus Mägi, here’s a video I have made earlier:
Overall, this is a very readable deck, if the artwork and theme appeals to you, and I look forward to working with these cards over the coming weeks.
I’ve been working on my own Tarot deck since 2012, and the Tarot of Quotes has turned into a challenging labour of love, which is still in the process of being completed.
When you have a look at the Empress one the left and compare it with the original version, then you’ll know why I haven’t met my self-imposed deadlines over the years.
The Tarot of Quotes has evolved, and only the free downloadable images will keep the quotes on the cards.
I have decided to remove the quotes from the printed version and change a couple of images along the way.
Not many cards are left to do, but heck it’s tough to create the images for them.
Getting it right takes time, especially when I’m also working on other projects.
But now that I’m totally in love with my new Empress card, I’m determined to get this deck finished – one day very soon!
In the meantime, it’s Earth Day tomorrow, which also coincides with it falling on a Friday.
Friday is dedicated to Venus, the Goddess of Love and Beauty, who in turn is linked to the Empress in the Tarot.
Although the Empress symbolises the archetypal mother, who on my card is represented by a Madonna and Child statue, she also embodies creativity relating to art, crafts, writing, home-making and gardening.
So in order to celebrate Earth Day, nurture your creativity by ditching electronic devices and work with what Mother Nature has on offer.
And by turning off your electronic devices, TVs and not use the car for the next couple of days in honour of Earth Day, you save on valuable energy and will also reduce your utility bills while enjoying some good old-fashioned creative fun.
Last week I received the printed version of my Cosmic Journaling Oracle deck, and I’m very pleased with the result!
Does the world need yet another set of oracle cards? I hear you ask 🙂
Well, it’s up to you to decide, but I have created this one to offer you something different:
The universal keywords on the cards all refer to one of the Major Arcana cards in the Tarot and are easy to make sense of (unlike card names such as The Hierophant). This way it should work well in readings whatever issue you’d like to explore.
The cards have been designed for you to create your own meanings and interpretation for each keyword. Journal about the cards to explore what each keyword means to you, so you can apply it in your readings (hence the word ‘Journaling’ in the name of the deck).
There is a digital version available in addition to a very limited printed edition. With a digital copy of the deck you can print the images as often as you like for personal use – a reading copy on good quality heavy card stock (any kind of paper in quality and colour of your choice) as well as prints on paper to cut out and stick in your journal.
The pocket-size cards are cute and ideal to take with you on your travels, to the coffee shop, work, uni, etc…
They work very well combined with the Cosmic Faery Tarot, which is also available as digital and printed copy in the same style (except the size of the tarot cards will be larger).
As you can see above, the printed version has a black background and border.
However, the digital version has a white background and a small black border.
The reason for this is to make this deck printer-friendly (won’t be using up all your black ink!) and also allow for the flexibility to choose the colour of paper you prefer.
With a digital copy it is also easier for me to offer you some free bonus cards as I create them. Oh the wonders and delights of the virtual world!