Zodiac Tarot Cards Journaling Sheets

zodiac tarot cardsThe 12 signs of the zodiac are linked to 12 Major Arcana cards in the Tarot.

We all know our sun signs, but an astrological chart based on your date, place and time of birth also reveals your moon sign and ascendant (rising sign).

Once you have determined your zodiac signs’ corresponding Tarot cards, you can explore the dynamics of the different aspects of your personality by using the visual cues of your cards rather than just astrological glyphs.

If you are new to combining tarot with astrology, then my Zodiac Tarot cards journaling sheets will help you make a start with your self-exploration and learn to include astrology in your tarot work.

Even if you only know your sun sign at this stage, the handout will still prove useful to explore personality traits and work out your zodiac lessons.

Originally published on my Journal Blog last year, the zodiac card information is now collated in this handy document.

It also contains images of 12 cards of my Tarot of Quotes and extra space on each page, so you can add your own notes.

You can access this 13-page PDF handout on my Patreon.

As a patron supporting my work you will have access to oodles of creative tarot resources from just $1 a month – a small price to pay for all the freebies and benefits you get in return.

And if you would like to delve deeper into Tarot astrology, then please check out my Tarot Astrology Online Course.

Warmest wishes,


Author: Christiane

Tarot explorer~spiritual tour guide~tarot courses~creative tarot resources~Certified Happiness Coach~INFJ~Hufflepuff~star gazer~moon lover~at home amongst trees

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