Living The Tarot: Ten of Wands

living the tarot: ten of wands
Cosmic Faery Tarot

Sometimes it’s fun but also worthwhile taking tarot images literally.

When the Ten of Wands pops up as your guidance card for the day (or week), ask yourself whether you have been paying attention to your posture recently.

We often allow our bodies to slouch and stoop without realising that this can have a huge effect on our mood, self-esteem and confidence.

On top of that, someone with a stooped posture can indicate unconscious limiting beliefs or emotional baggage they keep carrying around.

So, check in with yourself right now. Are you standing tall and straight?

Shoulders back with chest forward is your ideal posture.

A quick and easy exercise you can do to lift your mood instantly is to stand tall and lift your arms with your hands in fists (or victory sign) as if you have just scored a goal.

watch your posture

While in this victory pose, say to yourself something like I am strong, I am powerful or I can do this. Anything that spurns you on for the day and gets you going with more positive energy.

This is a great little exercise to turn into a daily habit as it will improve your wellbeing not just on a physical but also emotional level.

You can do it as often as you like during the day.

Why don’t you make a start today and let me know how it makes you feel?

Warmest wishes,


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Author: Christiane

Tarot explorer~spiritual tour guide~tarot courses~creative tarot resources~Certified Happiness Coach~INFJ~Hufflepuff~star gazer~moon lover~at home amongst trees

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