Audio: Practicing Mindfulness with the Tarot

practicing mindfulness with the tarotMindfulness has become quite a buzzword in recent years.

The term was first coined by Jon Kabat-Zinn and describes the process of “paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment and non-judgmentally.”

It’s not about emptying your mind or suppressing thoughts; it’s about becoming a detached observer, simply being aware of physical sensations and how your mind wanders.

The purpose of practicing mindfulness is to reduce stress, over-thinking and improve overall wellbeing.

Research has shown that regular practice of mindfulness actually works.

If you are learning and working with the Tarot, you are also practicing mindfulness, perhaps without realising.

Practicing mindfulness with the Tarot is a powerful combination to boost your mental and spiritual wellbeing, and with regular practice can heal and transform your life.

A simple one-card draw can create a mindful moment of reflection and contemplation.

But you can also combine the one-card draw with a mindfulness meditation.

This is an easy way to learn mindfulness and include it in your daily spiritual practice.

Beginner’s Tarot Mindfulness Meditation

  1. Take a seat in a quiet place and make yourself comfortable.
  2. Ground yourself by taking a deep breath (slowly inhale and exhale) and repeat until you feel calm and focused.
  3. Draw or choose a card from your tarot deck. Observe the image without judgement for a few minutes. Don’t think about its possible meanings. Just explore its colours, shapes, symbols.
  4. Remain still and focus your sensations. Close your eyes and observe how your clothes feel on your skin and where you feel pressure on your body from where you sit.
  5. Spend a few minutes on what you can hear. This could be your breath, a clock ticking, music somewhere in the backround, traffic noise etc.
  6. Reflect on what you have just experienced. You have focused on an object (tarot card), sensations and sounds, which has given you a break from your preoccupations. Perhaps you have learned something new about the tarot image you just have observed.
  7. How do you feel? Over time, this mindfulness meditation can be a nourishing way to refresh and clear your mind.

As you can see, this is an easy introduction to practicing mindfulness with the Tarot and should not take longer than ten minutes.

Listen to this meditation on Soundcloud:

If you find yourself stressed, overwhelmed or over-thinking, then take a mindful moment with your tarot deck, sit back, relax and connect with the cards at the same time.

Warmest wishes,


Author: Christiane

Tarot explorer~spiritual tour guide~tarot courses~creative tarot resources~Certified Happiness Coach~INFJ~Hufflepuff~star gazer~moon lover~at home amongst trees

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