The Secret To Slowing Down Time

the secret to slowing down timeIn recent weeks I’ve been thinking a lot about time passing and the idea that time is an illusion.

Yes, time can play tricks on you for sure. The older we get, the faster time seems to fly by.

The other day I was looking at old photos and realized that 30 years have passed and yet those moments captured in the images felt like they just happened yesterday.

Here I am navigating midlife and wondering how quickly the upcoming years will pass.

How can I make them feel as endless as my childhood summers?

Over the years I have learned that the secret to slowing down time is to rediscover and cultivate childhood traits (embracing your inner Pages ?) that we left behind when we transitioned into adulthood.

As children we were inexperienced and learned something new every day. The world was huge, and there was so much we didn’t know.

Everything was full of wonder and our imagination was running wild.

Our enthusiasm and curiosity to try out new things and explore new places was boundless, and we learned new lessons every day.

We spent hours immersed in play, creative activities and learning at school.

It was natural for us to be fully present regardless of whether we were having fun or feeling bored.

When we are fully present, time seems to slow down. This is because being present helps us to tune out distractions and focus on the task at hand.

Our brain is in a state of flow.

This state of flow is linked to time perception and can create a feeling of time dilation, where time seems to slow down or speed up.

In our adult life we apply our knowledge rather than learning something new every day.

We tend to have a daily routine, which includes more or less the same tasks and activities.

When we follow the same routines on auto-pilot for a long time, our brain just tosses all those days into a mushy pile of blurry life soup that tastes the same every day and makes time disappear when you look back.

So it looks like the secret to slowing down time is to shake up your days, and as a first step tiny simple changes to your daily routine can work wonders.

Here are my favourite mindful activities that can help you slow down your time:

1. Get out of your comfort zone

There is no such thing as a risk-free life. Children don’t know that, so when they learn to walk, they’re not scared of falling. They fall, but then they get up again. They don’t want to be stuck with crawling on the floor forever.

As adults, we sometimes need to take risks to truly feel alive.

Venturing into unchartered territory like starting a new job, moving to a new place, or living a more authentic life without worrying about what people think can be invigorating.

2. Live intentionally

Living with intention every day means paying attention to your actions, thoughts and your environment.

Look around your familiar surroundings, what do you actually see? What has become a habit that is holding you back? How can you do things differently? How can you give your living space a boost?

Living intentionally also means questioning the status quo and explore ideas how and where you can implement improvements.

This can include overhauling your diet, integrate exercise into your life, look after your health or sort out your finances.

When I decided to embrace minimalism as the way I want to live, it has transformed all these areas in my life for the better. It took time, but what counts is taking one small step each day to make a difference.

3. Become a mindful consumer

Our society is built on shopping, and most of us have grown up with this habit.

Many people spend money without thinking too much about it and sometimes get themselves into debt for stuff they don’t really need.

When going shopping, even for food, be mindful about what you really need rather than want. Challenge yourself to spend less but better.

Examine what makes you fall for impulse buys or embark on retail “therapy”. What are you trying to compensate for?

4. Learn something new

When I began to change my diet, I learned about nutrition every day. And apart from that, I have always loved to learn new skills, which also included training for various different jobs and occupations over the years.

Learn to play an instrument, a new language, a craft, learn to read tarot cards – the possibilities are endless. Find your passion and have fun.

5. Find joy in the little things

Living in the present moment can also help you appreciate the small moments in life and find joy in the little things.

This can lead to a more fulfilling life, as you begin to find happiness in the here and now, rather than waiting for something in the future.

6. Create your life

We are all conditioned to follow a certain pattern in life – go to school, university, job, marriage, kids, career, retirement, death.

But if this pattern isn’t your scene, then boldly choose your own path.

Have the courage to be different, be a trailblazer, an explorer, maverick, artist, whatever it is you really want to be.

By living your life on your own terms, you are truly free.

7. Be curious

People ask “Is that it?” I say, only if you want it to be. Always be curious about possibilities. What else is there? Go and find out.

8. Live slowly

Living life in the fast lane can seriously make your life pass by in a flash. By adopting a slower pace, you allow yourself time to enjoy the scenery.

It’s about paying attention rather than being distracted by speed.

Slow living means you appreciate what you have, reduce stress and anxiety, and prioritise your wellbeing.

9. Allow growth

Over the years you gradually change. Your body changes, Your attitudes, opinions and beliefs change. Your hobbies change. Relationships and friendships change over time.

Be mindful about these changes and reflect on their impact on your life. What do you need to let go of to allow for these changes to turn into growth?

By allowing growth your life becomes richer. How have you grown over the years? Explore the changes and their causes you have experienced over the years to appreciate the person you are today.

10. Practice Self-Reflection

Rather than drifting unconsciously through life until retirement, make self-reflection a regular practice. Take stock. Assess where you are and where you want to be.

Look into the mirror and describe what you see, the person looking back at you.

Keep a journal. Record your dreams and aspirations. Explore how you can make positive changes in your life. Take action.

As you can see, once you have become aware of years passing too quickly, you can take inspired steps to slow down time and living a happier and more fulfilled life.

It’s never too late to start afresh, embrace change and and make the most of your precious time here on earth.

Warmest wishes,


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Living The Tarot: Ten of Wands

living the tarot: ten of wands
Cosmic Faery Tarot

Sometimes it’s fun but also worthwhile taking tarot images literally.

When the Ten of Wands pops up as your guidance card for the day (or week), ask yourself whether you have been paying attention to your posture recently.

We often allow our bodies to slouch and stoop without realising that this can have a huge effect on our mood, self-esteem and confidence.

On top of that, someone with a stooped posture can indicate unconscious limiting beliefs or emotional baggage they keep carrying around.

So, check in with yourself right now. Are you standing tall and straight?

Shoulders back with chest forward is your ideal posture.

A quick and easy exercise you can do to lift your mood instantly is to stand tall and lift your arms with your hands in fists (or victory sign) as if you have just scored a goal.

watch your posture

While in this victory pose, say to yourself something like I am strong, I am powerful or I can do this. Anything that spurns you on for the day and gets you going with more positive energy.

This is a great little exercise to turn into a daily habit as it will improve your wellbeing not just on a physical but also emotional level.

You can do it as often as you like during the day.

Why don’t you make a start today and let me know how it makes you feel?

Warmest wishes,


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