The Tens in the Tarot of Quotes

ten of wands, the tens in the tarotWhile the Nines mark peak moments and contemplation, the tens complete the suit with a brooding restless energy.

This energy is heaviest in the two active suits Wands and Swords, whereas in the passive Cups and Pentacles all looks happy and positive on the surface.

Looking deeper, change is in the air. Whether the scene is positive or challenging, transition and movement are inevitable.

Ten symbolises completion as reflected in the ten commandments found in the Old Testament and the ten Sephirot on the Kabbalah Tree of Life.

The metric measurement system is based on ten, and time is measured in decades (ten years) and centuries (10 x 10 years).

In the Tarot, Ten is linked to the Wheel of Fortune, indicating a continuous cycle, ending and new beginning.

The numbers 1 and 0 are also linked to the Magician and the Fool suggesting infinite potential.

In a reading, the Tens can indicate the need for closure or necessary change.

Other meanings include:

Completion of a cycle, result, regeneration, release, responsibility, consolidation; new direction or re-commitment; purpose.

A classic 10-card tarot spread is the Celtic Cross, and many different versions of it can be found on the internet.

Ten of Wands – burden, difficulties, responsibilities, oppression

Esoteric Title: The Lord of Oppression

Astrological Attribution: Saturn in Sagittarius – in the Major Arcana, Saturn is linked to The World – carrying the world on your shoulders; change is required to create balance

Interpretation: awareness of self-limitations; bogged down; discipline and self-reliance create suffering; sense of duty; not sharing responsibilities; not delegating, trying to do it all on your own; lack of resources, feeling overwhelmed but carrying on

Image symbolism:

Man supporting building on his shoulders – heavy weight, burden

Surrounding fire – urgency of situation to free himself of oppression, precarious situation

Red / orange colours – element fire, high energy

ten of cups tarot of quotesTen of Cups – emotional contentment, harmony, fulfilment, wholeness, optimism

Esoteric Title: The Lord of Perfected Success

Astrological Attribution: Mars in Pisces – happy families, or are they? Something may be brooding underneath the surface; dormant volcano; beware of challenging times ahead;

Interpretation: feeling blissful and at ease; content with yourself and present situation; as good as it gets; commitment; feeling secure; close-knit family; count your blessings; gratitude

Image symbolism:

Swans – linked to Pisces (also see Knight of Cups)

Water – feelings and emotions

Lake – calm water

Signets – responsibility, unconditional love

Flowers in water – happiness, beauty

ten of swords tarot of quotesTen of Swords ending, exhaustion, resignation, failure, disillusion

Esoteric Title: The Lord of Ruin

Astrological Attribution: Sun in Gemini – new beginning, new life, new opportunity, birth, resilience, survivor spirit, looking at the bright side.

Interpretation: drawing a line, close the chapter, it can’t get any worse; devastated; ruin; shattered (dreams); giving up; acknowledging it’s the end of a situation, time to take a new direction.

Image symbolism:

Graveyard – endings, finality

Sunrise – new beginning, new dawn

Church ruin – something broken

Castle in distance – new goal, direction, possibilities

ten of pentacles tarot of quotesTen of Pentacles permanence, tradition, family, prosperity, wealth, establishment

Esoteric Title: The Lord of Wealth

Astrological Attribution: Mercury in Virgo – good organisational skills, nurturing a network of friends/ family / support, being established as an influencer / speaker / advisor, clever with money and long-term investments

Interpretation: investing time and energy to gain in the long-term; family heirlooms, inheritance, financial security, family support; legacy; status, privilege

Image symbolism:

Fireplace – warmth, luxury

Seasonal decorations – family gathering for festivities; traditional celebration; timing of card is winter

The decorations on display also symbolise values and aspirations with regards to money, home, family and work

You can view all images of the Tarot of Quotes in the Gallery.

The Cosmic Faery Tarot Guidebook  is now available, which also includes empowering messages, spreads and journaling promps as well as a printable mini edition of the Cosmic Faery Tarot.

Warmest wishes,


Author: Christiane

Tarot explorer~spiritual tour guide~tarot courses~creative tarot resources~Certified Happiness Coach~INFJ~Hufflepuff~star gazer~moon lover~at home amongst trees

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