The Magic of Doing Nothing

the magic of doing nothingMany people live busy lives full of errands, commitments and self-imposed recreational activities such as sports, social events and travelling.

Perhaps they want to give the impression how fun and interesting their lives are, and they believe that an admission of doing nothing could damage their reputation.

I’m doing nothing sounds a bit like I’m being lazy.

Doing nothing makes some people feel guilty, as doing nothing is a bit of a taboo in our society.

If you do nothing, you’re a lazy waste of space.

But of course, there is nothing wrong with doing nothing.

Doing nothing means you don’t have any commitments.

You don’t need to rush anywhere.

You have time for yourself, and can do what you like.

And these are the times when magic happens.

Suddenly you aren’t busy, which can make you feel a bit lost.


Feel lost and savour that moment. Make yourself comfy on the sofa and put your feet up. Close your eyes and relax.

Listen to the silence, or listen to the radio.

Look out of the window with your cat.

Make yourself a cup of your favourite beverage and savour it in peace without any pressure of having to dash off soon.

See how your plants grow in your house or in your garden. Smell the flowers.

There is absolutely nothing you should do. The time for commitments and errands and work will come back again later.

But not now. Enjoy the moment. It will give you strength when you remember it later with fondness.

Suddenly you decide to look through your book collection or some old photos.

You may just decide to have a bath.

Or light some candles on a gloomy, rainy day.

Maybe you are thinking of leaving the house for a walk. Or you might just stay in.


Write in your journal. Doodle.

You see, even though you think you are doing nothing, you are actually doing something.

In those moments when you surrender to the bliss of nothingness, you are resetting your brain. Unconsciously, you are looking for inspiration.

Cosmic Journaling Oracle Cards
Cosmic Journaling Oracle

Rather than letting the outside world with all its activities influence your thinking, you are taking back control.

Your brain has to adjust to standing on its own two feet, using imagination and jumpstarting your creativity. You begin to generate ideas, like you want to tidy up your messy desk, or you want to bake a cake.

These ideas spark your passion and enthusiasm.

Once you have decluttered your desk, it looks inviting. So you sit down and start writing or crafting or whatever you normally do at your desk.

Doing nothing can ccontribute towards wellbeing and growth. It relieves tension.

Give yourself permission to do nothing.

You will feel so much better afterwards. Don’t feel guilty. You will have done more good by doing nothing than you think.

Warmest wishes,


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Author: Christiane

Tarot explorer~spiritual tour guide~tarot courses~creative tarot resources~Certified Happiness Coach~INFJ~Hufflepuff~star gazer~moon lover~at home amongst trees

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