Having left the upheaval of the Fives behind, we are now moving towards the calmer conditions of the Sixes in the Tarot.
In numerology, the number six is attributed to harmony restored, benevolence and advancement – qualities, which are reflected in all the sixes of the Minor Arcana.
The sixes depict the consequences of the fives; after conflict and loss follows regeneration and growth.
Six of Wands – accomplishment, leadership, victory, recognition
Esoteric Title: The Lord of Victory
Astrological Attribution: Jupiter in Leo – advancement, personal growth, self-development, expanding one’s horizon, confidence, praise
Jupiter is also linked to the Wheel of Fortune, so the Six of Wands may indicate a lucky break.
Interpretation: winning; coming out on top, acknowledgement, prevailing, feeling proud, putting oneself first
Image symbolism:
Cup held high – prize, winner
Red / orange / colours: element fire (Leo) combined with Jupiter (fire) – climax, pinnacle, peak, top
blue / lilac sky – expansion
trees – growth, support
Six of Cups – kindness, sharing, nostalgia, caring, affection
Esoteric Title: The Lord of Pleasure
Astrological Attribution: Sun in Scorpio – little pleasures, contentment, moments of joy, bittersweet memories, well-being
Interpretation: Caring for others, family ties, soulmate, deep connection, children, gratitude, fond memories
Image symbolism:
Gnome and squirrel – close bond, friendship, content with each other
barrel with water – feelings, emotions, calm, bliss
greenery around – nourishment, protection, beauty in simplicity
windmill – playfulness, fun, child’s play, innocence, a gift, whimsical
Six of Swords – melancholy, transition, moving away from strife, recovery
Esoteric Title: The Lord of Earned Success
Astrological Attribution: Mercury in Aquarius – travel, change of scenery / location, a new frame of mind, heading towards a more positive place
Interpretation: picking up the pieces, beginning to cope, being hopeful, starting over, leaving behind what is no longer working
Image symbolism:
Boat – journey, moving forward
Grey / beige colours – feeling low, depressed, sombre
Star – hope, recovery, a glimpse of optimism; linked to The Star (Aquarius).
Six of Pentacles – charity, generosity, support
Esoteric Title: The Lord of Material Success
Astrological Attribution: Moon in Taurus – giving and receiving, financial ups and downs, mentoring, advice; follow your intuition to create stability and financial security
Interpretation: cooperation, sharing abundance / knowledge, help
Image symbolism:
Britannia statue – benevolence, guidance
Kneeling figure – reaching out for help
Green / gold colours – abundance, prosperity
The Cosmic Faery Tarot Guidebook is now available to download, which also includes a printable mini edition of the Cosmic Faery Tarot.
Warmest wishes,
Leni Riefenstahl? You can’t be serious? Hitler’s favorite movie maker, however talented and charismatic, was a deeply flawed person and a dyed-in-the-wool National Socialist. I don’t think a deck that quotes her has good energy. And to put her with Dietrich Bonhoeffer together, a man who died at the hands of the National Socialists, is bad taste.
I like your site but I can’t believe you put Leni Riefenstahl on a tarot card…
Thank you for pointing that out. Both Leni Riefenstahl and Dietrich Bonhoeffer are part of my German heritage, which I acknowledge and confront by having chosen these quotes rather than deny. Yes, they both represent the good and evil of my country’s past, and sometimes those ambiguous feelings are still coming through unconsciously.
When I chose the Riefenstahl quote, it was mainly because it fitted so well with the meaning but also Leo aspect of this card. This is a personal choice and I fully stand by it. Of course Riefenstahl was flawed, and again her egotistical ambitions and subsequent success are reflected in the Six of Wands. She represents the shadow aspect of this card – success at any cost.
First and foremost, Riefenstahl wanted to be an artist and film maker, and she found herself in the position, in which her talent was taken advantage of by the regime. I’m not making any judgements about people, whose quotes are featured in my deck, just like the Tarot doesn’t judge, merely observe.
Perhaps I should have chosen more controversial personalities, because that would have reflected the complex facets of human nature more realistically. A Stalin quote for the Devil? No, that would have been too obvious 😉 The printed version of my deck doesn’t come with the quotes, so you can choose your own that are meaningful to you.