I have mentioned before that one-card readings can be very effective.
There is no need to draw multiple cards to get valuable insights from a reading, which is good news for beginners.
There is much you can see in just one card, and here I would like to demonstrate what you can cover in a one-card reading:
- First impressions: Keywords and phrases that come into your mind when you see the image. Also any feelings the image evokes.
- What to do / action to take: This should cover something practical and doable, active steps that can help influence a situation to achieve a positive outcome.
- What to avoid: Personal traits / habits / beliefs that could hinder a desired development or outcome.
- What to look out for: Something that is hidden; opportunities, obstacles, internal blocks…
- What needs attention: This could relate to a skill you need to develop, people around you, work, relationships, life style… a certain area of your life.
- Power Word / Phrase: A catch phrase, mantra or just one single word that will guide you onto the right track and towards achieving your desired outcome.
- Affirmation: Same as 6, a positive statement to help you shift your mindset in a positive way.
You don’t have to cover all these points, especially when you’re just starting out learning the Tarot, but once you get stuck in, you will find it’s much easier than you first think.
Here’s an example with the Two of Wands, a reading I did for myself the other day, so the answers are specific and personal (your answers may differ):
First impressions: Planning ahead! The only way is forward. Follow my passion. Embrace the unknown. Excitement. Opportunities. Vision. Travel and journeys.
What to do / action to take: Make a to-do list!
What to avoid: Procrastination, fear of the unknown
What to look out for: Turning new creative ideas into reality more quickly, becoming more efficient; planning and implementing with others. Diversifying…
What needs attention: Firing up and nurturing my ambition; be more driven. The changes I want to create in my work and personal life.
Power word / phrase: Get organised!
Affirmation: I can do this!
As you can see, there is no need to write a long essay. Keep it short and sweet, and for this purpose I have designed some fab journaling sheets for you:
A4 Angel one card reading sheet (PDF doc.)
Two pages of the same sheet, so you can print double-sided, if your printer is set up for it.
A5 Angel one card journaling sheet (PDF doc.)
Two A5 angel sheets on one page, so you can create a booklet by printing on both sides of an A4 sheet.
You can print as many A5 sheets (double-sided) as you like. Perhaps you would like a booklet for the month ahead, for which you need 16 double-sided sheets folded in half.
You can use the cover page to name your booklet, e.g. My Angel Card Messages, My Oracle Card Readings, My Daily Draws etc. (see my pics above).
For more creative tarot printables and resources, please join me on Patreon.
Warmest wishes,