Tarot Astrology: Jupiter In The Tarot

jupiter in the tarotJupiter is the largest planet in our solar system signifying growth, expansion, luck and higher learning.

Jupiter in the Tarot is primarily linked to the Wheel of Fortune, and because this planet rules Sagittarius, we can also link it to Temperance.

Although Jupiter’s energies are regarded as mainly positive and beneficial, it can also indicate challenges and setbacks.

The Wheel of Fortune makes this clear: perpetual movement brings change, not always good but sometimes necessary and mostly unavoidable.

When you are at the top of the Wheel, rest assured that at one point you will be moving downwards again. And vice versa.

Change always brings some kind of growth, new knowledge and insights – the silver lining in the cloud, if the change thrust upon you isn’t what you wanted or were hoping for.

And you cannot apply the brakes on that Wheel, because there aren’t any. Stuff is happening totally beyond your control.

Let’s take this further to Temperance. Here we see the angel performing some alchemy, creating the perfect mix from two opposing extremes to achieve moderation and harmony.

There is no recipe or science to it, so a good result is simply a happy accident after some experimental trial and error.

Now take a look at the Two of Pentacles (Jupiter in Capricorn) and compare the image with Temperance. Can you see the similarities?

The Two of Pentacles takes us down to earth – juggling the day-to-day essentials like money, work, family… and all the while Jupiter’s influence in the background is helping us grow.

The Six of Wands (Jupiter in Leo) and Nine of Cups (Jupiter in Pisces) show us some happy people, content and successful.

They are sitting right on top of the Wheel of Fortune. They are at their peak, but we also know that the wheel is turning….

And where are the people depicted on the Four of Swords (Jupiter in Libra) and Eight of Swords (Jupiter in Gemini) positioned on the Wheel?

The Four of Swords suggests rest, recuperation, retreat and healing, all of which can lead to personal growth, renewal and a higher understanding.

I’d say that this card is slowly moving upwards on the wheel, but then again that’s down to personal perception. Where would you place this card?

The Eight of Swords is the total opposite to Jupiterian expansion: restriction.

The figure in this card is dreaming of freedom, and although the shackles seem to be self-imposed, Jupiter may offer a lucky break to escape from Colditz

Now it’s over to you to explore the cards:

  • Which cards depict movement and which stagnation?
  • If several of the Jupiter cards appeared in a reading, how would that influence your interpretation of the spread?
  • What similarities can you see in the Jupiter cards to link them together?
  • In what way do the cards reflect Jupiter’s energies, especially luck and lack of control?

You can use the journaling sheets I have created by downloading them from my Tarot Astrology online course page.

Warmest wishes,


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Author: Christiane

Tarot explorer~spiritual tour guide~tarot courses~creative tarot resources~Certified Happiness Coach~INFJ~Hufflepuff~star gazer~moon lover~at home amongst trees

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